MSPT is very high and causing lag, not sure how to lower it.

We recieved a huge increase in players on our server recently and the TPS has been really low every since. We've already followed this guide, and we currently use Wither Host's multiserver option, velocity/paper. These are our timings and spark profiler Not sure what else to do from here, any advice would be appreciated!
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Aikar's Timings Viewer
Aikar's Timings Viewer - View Timings v2 reports from Paper and Sponge
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
28 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta3mo ago
Thanks for asking your question!
Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
Make sure to mark solved when issue is solved!!!
/close !close !solved !answered
Requested by akemil#0
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta3mo ago
Timings Analysis
These are not magic values. Many of these settings have real consequences on your server's mechanics. See this guide for detailed information on the functionality of each setting.
You are using 1.21-130-b1b5d4c (1.21). The current latest is 1.21.4.
❌ StackMob
Stacking mobs causes more lag.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.villagers-for
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 20.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.flying-monsters-for
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 60.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.villagers-max-per-tick
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 1.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.animals-for
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 40.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.monsters-max-per-tick
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 4.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.flying-monsters-max-per-tick
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 1.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.animals-max-per-tick
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 2.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.monsters-for
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 60.
Set this to "ALTERNATE_CURRENT" in config/paper-world-defaults.yml.
❌ chunks.entity-per-chunk-save-limit.experience_orb
Set a value in config/paper-world-defaults.yml. Recommended: 16.
Plus 4 more recommendations
Click the buttons below to see more
Requested by akemil • Page 1 of 2
Rhythmatic3mo ago
Haha, love that the bots are already finding things to improve. Make sure you post a new spark report after making those changes.
Snow Kit
Snow Kit3mo ago
No description
Snow Kit
Snow Kit3mo ago
well, either datapacks or command blocks
akemilOP3mo ago
itll be datapacks, ill probably just get rid of all the ones that arent world gen then
Snow Kit
Snow Kit3mo ago
(you're running an old version of spark/paper which doesn't show the installed datapacks) doesn't really matter though
akemilOP3mo ago
we havent been able to use the latest version of paper because some of the plugins we use aren't updated otherwise we wouldve switched
Snow Kit
Snow Kit3mo ago
but yeah, ~50% of the tick is being consumed by datapacks
Rhythmatic3mo ago
Told ya there are nerds on the Discord that are better than me at reading these things. :P
Snow Kit
Snow Kit3mo ago
yeah, you see a lot of the same issues unfortunately
Rhythmatic3mo ago
I didn't think to look for datapacks. Gonna remember that for next time.
Snow Kit
Snow Kit3mo ago
well, normally if you go to the flame chart and see a large block that isn't in.tickChunks() or EntityTickList.forEach(), then that's an issue
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta3mo ago
❌ Processing Error
The bot cannot process this Spark profile. Please use an alternative Spark profile.
Requested by akemil
akemilOP3mo ago
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
akemilOP3mo ago
i deleted most of our datapacks that arent world gen but im assuming its still so high because them being world gen is part of the problem but i cant remove them because theyre world gen
you can try pregenerating the world and running the spark profiler after, so world generation doesn't get in the way
Rhythmatic3mo ago
yeah, functions are still taking 1/3rd of tick time
No description
Also a lot of items around, maybe lower the despawn rate
No description
Rhythmatic3mo ago
better than 50% of the time, though
akemilOP3mo ago
sorry do you mind reminding me where I change that world is already pregenerated and we have world border set up
paper-world: alt-item-despawn-rate
akemilOP3mo ago
thank you!
you can also increase a little bit the item merge in spigot.yml
akemilOP3mo ago
how much would you say to increase it by
I have it at 3, but some players get confused and think their items disappeared, when those just merged with other further away So, maybe lower than that
akemilOP3mo ago
okay, thank you! !solved
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta3mo ago
Closed post!
Your post has been marked as solved!
Requested by akemil#0

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