trying to figure out how to download stoneblock 3 for an enviromc server
so, i'm trying to get stoneblock 3 onto an enviromc server, and frankly i'm just entirely clueless as to how
can't do the curseforge egg method since sb3's not on curseforge and i don't see any alternative route i could take that i can also understand lmao
i put in a support ticket last night inbetween trying to figure this out myself but frankly ftb's guide just flies over my head and i can't find any actual tutorial nor enviromc-specific guide
if anyone can help that'd be insanely appreciated
i'm pretty fucking stupid tbh
68 Replies
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Requested by jinn_#0
i was told to ask this here w/ more details by someone last night but didnt remember till just now
Doesn’t enviro have a modpack installer?
for curseforge only
sb3 was when ftb decided they didn't like curseforge and needed to make their own launcher
ohh mb
Right so
You need to install forge on enviro
just stock forge
for whatever version SB3 uses
alrighty that's done
right so
I’m not familiar with the FTB launcher thing
are you able to access the server files browser?
do you mean this thing
select Linux
Download for Linux button
Should be a zip file?
Cancel that install
can you download the exe (windows) version
I’m assuming it’s an exe
right so
I’m not sure how FTB does it, but put that exe file once downloaded in a new clean folder and run it
Essentially you want to be able to get the mods and whatnot
sorry for the constant vanishing, anywho do i just press enter or type the file or w/e
Just click enter
does it do anything?
took forever because xfinity but it's done now
right so
what you want to do
select all of those files and put them into a zip file
Dont just zip the parent folder
zip all of the individual folders and files into one zip
figured that part already
Are there any files in your enviro server already?
delete them all
if you haven’t already deleted them that is
now upload the zip file
oui oui
then once it’s done, unzip it
(the option may be called unarchive on enviro)
lmk once you’ve done that
it's a quarter done now so prolly be another 10 or 20 mins
In the meantime can you send a screenshot of the ‘startup’ tab in enviro
here can you send me the contents of the start.bat
where would that be
I mean the start.bat file of SB3 that you downloaded on your own computer
could you maybe just output it as text? You can right click it and do edit I think
I’m on mobile
@echo off
IF EXIST eula.txt (
) ELSE (
IF %errlevel% EQU 1 goto END
>nul find "eula=false" eula.txt && (
) || (
goto END
echo "Do you agree to the Mojang EULA available at ?"
set /p EULA=[y/n]
echo eula=true>eula.txt
"jre\jdk-17.0.2+8-jre\bin\java.exe" -javaagent:log4jfix/Log4jPatcher-1.0.0.jar -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -Xmx6144M -Xms4096M @user_jvm_args.txt @libraries\net\minecraftforge\forge\1.18.2-40.2.14\win_args.txt nogui
In the enviromc startup tab, under variables, past this under ‘startup command’:
java -javaagent:log4jfix/Log4jPatcher-1.0.0.jar -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -Xmx6144M -Xms4096M @user_jvm_args.txt @libraries\net\minecraftforge\forge\1.18.2-40.2.14\win_args.txt nogui
now we wait
@Swan can you show the contents of ‘libraries/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.18.2-40.2.14’ folder of SB3 on your pc?
In the enviromc startup tab, under variables, paste this under ‘startup command’:
java -javaagent:log4jfix/Log4jPatcher-1.0.0.jar -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -Xmx6144M -Xms4096M @user_jvm_args.txt @libraries\net\minecraftforge\forge\1.18.2-40.2.14\unix_args.txt nogui
(I changed them)done again
Do you know how to use SFTP?
i have filezilla, pretty sure that's what you mean anyways
I think it’s in settings on the sidebar, there should be sftp login credentials
if you know how set up a connection / site / whatever FileZilla calls it with the credentials, so that
lmk once you have (if you don’t know lmk)
alright pretty sure i got it set up
now upload the sb3 zip file through sftp
because sftp has no file size limits
it will likely be slower
Now go back to the enviro panel
right click the zip
and click unarchive
lmk once done
click start in console :)
uh, what’s your startup command?
If you set it to this, does it say anything like ‘variable is too long in length’
java -javaagent:log4jfix/Log4jPatcher-1.0.0.jar -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -Xmx6144M -Xms4096M @user_jvm_args.txt @libraries\net\minecraftforge\forge\1.18.2-40.2.14\unix_args.txt nogui
it didn’t change
now this isn’t a me or modpack problem, you should take this up with enviro
just say ‘the custom startup variable isn’t applying’ or something like that
container@pterodactyl~ java -Xms128M -Xmx4096M -Dterminal.jline=false -Dterminal.ansi=true -jar server.jar
Error: Unable to access jarfile server.jar
@Skullians i renamed the minecraft_server.1.18.2.jar to server.jar
just download server files zip and upload to your host
works on literally all hosts
That’s just a vanilla server
no lmfao, that’s not how it works
not if you can’t change the startup command like on several hosts
not if you can’t change the java version like on several hosts
if you ask the support there is 95% they will change it for you