Possible to see when someone else's server was last online?

I'm just trying to figure out how long a small-ish smp server has been offline so any help would be appreciated!
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Requested by kaiden_lcfc#0
i dont really want to sit here clicking a button, i have better things to do with my life, plus that would only tell me when the server is back and not when it was last closed i was hoping there may be a tool or something i could use the server is just like down for maintenance or anything, the owner purposely shuts it down so no one will play without him but we have a suspicion that he sometimes plays without us
Harrison9mo ago
Setup a monitoring service that'll automatically check if it's pingable
ProGamingDk9mo ago
Which one offers mc specific
Harrison9mo ago
No clue that's a Google question, not harrison question :risitaslaugh: mcsrvstat.us has an API, set up something to check the IP every x minutes
Would they see that in the console if the server is online? I would assume it won't show up in chat even if he's an OP I should probably stop asking questions and just read about it myself 🤣
Harrison9mo ago
No they wouldn't see anything It would just monitor when the server is online/offline
looks confusing but i will give it a go 😅
Harrison9mo ago
i will be honest, i tried the one you sent but got bored of reading cus i was struggling to understand it so i just went straight into trying it with my own server first - and with 0 shock it didnt work (i didnt know what i was doing lol) instead i decided to use my python knowledge and some help from chatgpt to make some code that i can customise how often it pings, can request who is online, and also prints the time of the check 😄 the only problem is i have to have it running and have visual studio open the whole time, but apart from that, my question has been solved! thanks for all the help guys! well... solved to the best of my ability as i cant actually see when it was currently last online but oh well ahh nevermind... my code seems to be having issues works on my own server, but after trying the ip of the smp the dns lookup fails and im not sure if it is because of the ip being "example.com" rather than numbers i will try again when the server is next online i suppose and see if anything changes is there a way to get like an actual ip for the server rather than "example.com"?
Arthurmeade129mo ago
If the dns lookup fails then you're kind of screwed. There's no way for the computer (or you) to get the ip. Ping the server owners. Having a broken dns record is a MAJOR issue.
Why is that a big issue?
Arthurmeade129mo ago
Because no one can connect to the server if the dns record is broken and they don't give the ip
Ah right, welli have never used the server hosting he is using because I locally host so next time I am on the server so I know it is up I will first of all see if its the same address or different and then I will run my code again to see
Arthurmeade129mo ago
Sounds good 👍
Harrison9mo ago
Do you join through a domain? If so, what's the domain
Tbh I'm not too sure about all of domain and dns stuff, but the server address is some letters followed by the hosters followed by .com
Arthurmeade129mo ago
That'a a domain
Arthurmeade129mo ago
Can you send the domain please? (Whatever you put in as the server IP in the multiplayer menu)
I googled a little and it seems like minecraft does a domain search or something to get the ip but i really don't understand it
Arthurmeade129mo ago
If you want me to explain the networking I can, but idk if you're interested, and besides it's irrelevant
Harrison9mo ago
send the domain here, I'll get the IP from you
Arthurmeade129mo ago
I was thinking the same thing
Harrison9mo ago
😭 it's the thing i was trying to get from the start
Is it possible to do it myself, I don't think the owner would be happy with me leaking the address
Arthurmeade129mo ago
Just do a dns lookup with the address Just google for a dns lookup tool. It shouldn't be too hard
Harrison9mo ago
IP-API.com - Geolocation API
Free IP Geolocation API - lookup any IP address
Harrison9mo ago
this typically works too
I tried a dns lookup earlier and it came back with couldn't be found or something, I suppose I can try a few more just in case but if it doesn't work then I suspect it is because the server is off or the ip changes which I haven't heard of before But like I said I haven't used this host
Arthurmeade129mo ago
Wouldn't that just give the location not the domain
Harrison9mo ago
It gives the IP
Ok the linked one just says fail and invalid query
Harrison9mo ago
unless it's proxied
I can try some others
Harrison9mo ago
No description
Harrison9mo ago
can you join the server ?
No its currently offline That's why I'm doing all of this, to figure out when it is online
Harrison9mo ago
i feel like the owner deletes the record when it's "offline"
Arthurmeade129mo ago
Sounds like it's offline because the dns record is pointing to the wrong ip Imagine doing that 😂
Harrison9mo ago
If the machine is off it should still display the record
Arthurmeade129mo ago
Harrison9mo ago
which is why i feel like he does that
Arthurmeade129mo ago
Which means that it probably won't work whether or not the server is online But that seems so dumb with how long dns propagation takes Just use a maintenance plugin to stop people from joining
I don't know if he knows enough about hosting to do that, hence paying £4 a month for a company to host and set up for him, but I could also be wrong
Harrison9mo ago
only £4/mo for hosting crazy cheap
Arthurmeade129mo ago
Yeah it's only a vanilla server cus not many mods for 1.21 yet, along with only 5 people I think it might be 2gb or something
Arthurmeade129mo ago
Harrison9mo ago
damn and that can run ???
Arthurmeade129mo ago
Vanilla 1.21 with no mods or plugins on 2gb
Harrison9mo ago
im very surprised
Arthurmeade129mo ago
!! Me too I would either go with paper or fabric
Few stutters here and there but we are not too bothered
Arthurmeade129mo ago
Yes but why would you settle for less when you could have something that performs way better without any changes to gameplay I don't know of any benefits to using the vanilla server jar currently Except in development
I could be wrong but it shows the V on the server list that means vanilla so I would assume paper wouldn't do that
Arthurmeade129mo ago
It would Paper accepts vanilla clients
I'm checking the hosting website now, the first thing it asks you to do is type the address you want then shows u plans
Harrison9mo ago
what host?
Arthurmeade129mo ago
If this is a vanilla server why do you use forge
Harrison9mo ago
ah never heard of that
Arthurmeade129mo ago
Nvm unrelated question
Client side mods 😄 Minimap and stuff
Arthurmeade129mo ago
Fabric is better at that... I use both fabric and forge but imo fabric is better for performance and client side stuff But I digress Does this mean you can ping the server now?
No no, that's just something I saw on saturday
Arthurmeade129mo ago
Oh ok If you can't get the ip then I don't think you can do anything Unless you're an admin who helps run the server
Nah I'm not I guess I just have to wait till the next time we all go on
Harrison9mo ago
Many things I need to check, see if the ip is different, which doubt, see if I can dns lookup and see if my code works
Arthurmeade129mo ago
As a last try you could try to look up the address on minecraft server websites
Arthurmeade129mo ago
I actually had namemc profile my server without my knowledge
Could not get the server status... I'm sure I used that website or a similar one earlier and I think it worked, I could just be misremembering though
Harrison9mo ago
yeah they probably deleted the dns record 😂
I don't even know how to do that myself, unless the server hoster has a special tool to do that easily I don't see why they would do it though?
Arthurmeade129mo ago
Nor do we
I also get a weird message when I try to join the server whilst it's offline too, I can't remember what it said though and can't check rn cus it's nearly 1 30am and I'm in bed
Arthurmeade129mo ago
If I were you I would go to bed This is not going to change overnight unless the server owner really gets the server going again
Harrison9mo ago
^^ 😂 he probably joins with direct ip
Arthurmeade129mo ago
Do you mean direct address in the multiplayer screen, or an ip address not linked to a domain?
Harrison9mo ago
an ip not linked to domain
Arthurmeade129mo ago
He said earlier that the address ends with .com https://discord.com/channels/348681414260293634/1254480823063937024/1254586818230222878 It's a domain
Harrison9mo ago
Yes, but I'm saying if the owner deletes the domain He probably joins direct IP
Arthurmeade129mo ago
Yes, the owner must join with ip.
ok when trying to join the server whilst i assume its offline, i get failed to connect to the server - unknown host and the logs say they same error for pinging
Harrison9mo ago
Yeah invalid DNS then
so not much i can do about it until i am back on the server right?
Arthurmeade129mo ago
ok thanks guys, i will update you when im back on the server

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