Bad user connection

I have been having this problem since I started opening servers for my friends this happens on a windows 11 gaming pc it has a processor amd ryzen 9 6900HS and radeon graphics my friends who play on the server only have internet issues and they dont have bad internet I dont have bad internet either as I have a RAX70 nighthawk router the servers tps is always 20 and im always having good internet but no one else is thanks for helping!
28 Replies
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Requested by coldev#0
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
What the word spaghetti
QarthO2y ago
Don’t explain ur setup. Explain the issue. What is the bad connection exactly? (ie. How do u kno it’s bad) Is it just 1 friend? Or everyone? Can u run a speed test on the machine? Ur connection to the server means nothing since ur locally hosting. Also “good” internet needs to also include upload, not just download Can u send a spark report?
coldevOP2y ago
sometimes everyone is fine and sometimes everyone is not and the server is portforwareded so that anyone can join
Lildirt2y ago
yeah, you're using a residential internet connection. They're kinda known for that. You might have "good Internet" but you probably don't have good Internet for hosting. Check your upload speed. !selfhost
Carl-bot2y ago
Home hosting has its drawbacks / caveats
- Is your internet connection fast enough? In both directions (around 50M is usually enough; you should check here)? You don't connect the server to your router via WiFi, do you? - Does your ISP provide a somewhat static, public, IPv4 address? - Are you aware and able to deal with the security impliations? - Is your computer powerful enough to run both a client and a server? - Does any inhabitant (human or not!) mind the noise, heat and energy cost of a machine running 24/7? - Alternatively, is your playerbase OK with the server not being there when you aren't?
Admincraft Canned Responses
coldevOP2y ago
what do I needd to get good internet hosting?
QarthO2y ago
well.. it all depends on how fast ur internet is... so if u want "good internet hosting" you need to go to ur ISP and pay for better internet... but an alternative, easier, cheaper, and more reliable option is to just not self host
coldevOP2y ago
so whats the difference between server hosting websites who have their own powerful comupters and internet do they use the same isps with faster internet because they payed for it?
QarthO2y ago
yes. they have paid for really good internet. and really good computers. then sell that as a service to people
coldevOP2y ago
people across the world can connect to servers and play with fine wifi connection but is that because the host has good wifi?
QarthO2y ago
connection is 2 way, both need good internet for it to be a good connection but the server (the host) needs REALLY good internet, because its sending data to EVERY player at the same time
coldevOP2y ago
when I do a speedtest does upload speed or download speed define how good the players connection is I think it would be upload because your sending info right?
QarthO2y ago
both are used but the main thing on the server (the host) is upload as its "uploading" data to the players
coldevOP2y ago
dang so I just need to pay more
QarthO2y ago
or just use a host website
coldevOP2y ago
I havent found any websites that host servers and let you decide what ip you want
QarthO2y ago
nearly every single one does and if they dont you can still make ur own you can buy an "ip" that points to the ugly "ip" the host gives
coldevOP2y ago
QarthO2y ago
but the "ip" ur thinking of is really called a domain
coldevOP2y ago
whats the best websites for their price
QarthO2y ago
coldevOP2y ago
QarthO2y ago
^ can ask there, follow the guideline
coldevOP2y ago
Lildirt2y ago
A lot of the data centers that people host out of have giant bandwidth pipes and there's a lot more involved than just a single contract with a single provider. Residential plans (which is probably all you have available to you) are simply not held up to the same quality standards. Depends on your country, but most of the West gets shit on by their ISPs. They often don't provide perfectly reliable service, which a data center would have availability guarantees since it's likely millions of dollars are lost per minute of downtime. Most home ISPs sell connections by the bandwidth cap and the download speed. They're notorious for giving you peanuts of upload speed. Asking nicely is worth a shot I guess, but you will likely have them simply hang up on you.
QarthO2y ago
^ after waiting hours first D:
Lildirt2y ago
Same applies for Business tier connections in a lot of cases. It's usually the same infrastructure and same exact shitty service for "regular" small business agreements. It just costs more.

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