command block /spawn

Im trying to use a command block that tp's a player to spawn but it is not working
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Requested by xxer0#0
QarthO2y ago
do you have command blocks enabled on the server (its in if you do, the command block has a dialogue box that will tell u the error after it ran the command a side note, if u have essentials, they havent implemented the selector tags in any of their commands (@s @a @e, etc) so you'll need to use minecrafts base commands example wont work cuz essentials:
/tp @p 0 100 0
/tp @p 0 100 0
base command will work
/minecraft:tp @p 0 100 0
/minecraft:tp @p 0 100 0
ProGamingDk2y ago
^^ not sure why you would want this tho?
QarthO2y ago
^ there are much better options than command blocks
Torrent2y ago
Better solution: use commandbuttons or conditionalevents Just way more elegant that way I built a “command center” deep in my base where I can do some cool things with command buttons

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