Purpur afk system and TAB integration
Hi there, Im running the newest Purpur server and I would like to use its integrated afk system to protect players and to show who is afk at the moment in tab as a suffix. I have followed Purpur's documentation and set everything accordingly and yet when player goes afk, tab is not updated. Message and protection seems to work tho.
Im running Luckperms and lpc with TAB plugin from NEZNAMY. Could the issue be there?
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Requested by arocles#0
use essentials and its %essentials_afk% placeholder
Yea, but this server is designed to be lightweight and simple to use and set up(when purpur can do it why install essentials just for that), purpur has ho placeholders?
essentials is lightweight and has no setup
the only setup it has if u give perms to some of its commands
from what i know no it doesnt
and im not sure it interacts with TAB well
Yea maybe ur right, essentials always work without this hassle around... thanks for your time 🙂