security / moderation
Im making a minecraft server network. Although what should i use/do for security/moderation?
Rn i use,
What should i add or change? and is there also server config that will make my server more secure?
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Requested by vertrouwd#0
people do recommend litebans over advancedban but its personal opinion, if u own the machine its running on (aka a dedicated or a vps) i would recommend making backends internal
What exactly is backends internal?
paper servers etc
internal is just making them only accessible from within the machine
im very lacking in knowledge, do u have like any documentation, guide that clarifies this and also what i have to do to do this?
do you own the machine the network is running on
i have a vps
i bought it at a hosting
are u using pterodactyl
Minecraft | Pterodactyl
Pterodactyl is an open-source game server management panel built with PHP, React, and Go. Designed with security in mind, Pterodactyl runs all game servers in isolated Docker containers while exposing a beautiful and intuitive UI to end users.
follow this
and it will make it more secure
do i need to add all the ports of all the servers? or only the proxy
all servers except proxy should be using
and their respective ports
how do i change it?
cuz rn it just uses the same ip on the proxy and servers
as ip allocations
the guide shows u how
i normally use instead of
it doesnt actually tell me how to assign the other ip
just put here
yeah i did
and then u just give that allocation to the servers?
and remove the old one
yeah thats my question
how do i do that
just like u did originally
but heres the gist
go to servers
find the server
go to build configurations
and u should be able to figure it out from there
ohh lol