250ms+ Lag on Server constantly
I'm having massive lag on my Paper server, theres thousands of entities being loaded however the amount of entities in the world hasnt increased much in years, however I have noticed thousands of chunks being constantly loaded even with no players online, which im guessing, chunks being loaded = more entities being loaded
If I disable the worlds in multiverse, the TPS recovers to nomal levels but in the remaining world I still have 700+ chunks loaded.
No on has built any chunk loaders/lag machines to my knowledge as none of the players playing (theres only about 10 of us) arent techincal players and have no need/want to keep chunks loaded
Aside from multiverse, I've systematically removed all plugins and datapacks to see if any were casuing the lag, no such luck.
Spark report: https://spark.lucko.me/mYj5sEdFMN
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
17 Replies
Spark Profile Analysis
These are not magic values. Many of these settings have real consequences on your server's mechanics. See this guide for detailed information on the functionality of each setting.
❌ Aikar's Flags
❌ chunk-gc.period-in-ticks
Decrease this in bukkit.yml.
Recommended: 400.
❌ ticks-per.monster-spawns
Increase this in bukkit.yml.
Recommended: 4.
❌ spawn-limits.monsters
Decrease this in bukkit.yml.
Recommended: 15.
❌ spawn-limits.water-ambient
Decrease this in bukkit.yml.
Recommended: 5.
❌ spawn-limits.ambient
Decrease this in bukkit.yml.
Recommended: 1.
❌ spawn-limits.animals
Decrease this in bukkit.yml.
Recommended: 5.
❌ spawn-limits.water-animals
Decrease this in bukkit.yml.
Recommended: 5.
❌ entity-activation-range.animals
Decrease this in spigot.yml.
Recommended: 16.
❌ entity-activation-range.monsters
Decrease this in spigot.yml.
Recommended: 16.
❌ entity-activation-range.misc
Decrease this in spigot.yml.
Recommended: 12.
❌ entity-activation-range.water
Decrease this in spigot.yml.
Recommended: 12.
Plus 37 more recommendations
Click the buttons below to see more
Requested by doctormysterio.#0 • Page 1 of 5
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Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
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Requested by doctormysterio.#0
have you enabled timings

because thats horrendus
are you on a ssd?
You have 1200 item displays
and similar amounts of item frames
Not sure on that one, how can I check/what does it do?
well its meant to be disabled by default
which is what makes no sense
atleast on 1.21
Thats the TARDIS plugin, it uses interactions for some of the features it adds, but they should be unloaded unless players are in the TimeVortex world
which brings me back to the issue of the chunks being loaded for no reason
ok disabling timings gave me like a 20ms improvement so thats something
its my understanding that if chunks arent loaded, entity count doesnt matter? And those hundreads of interactions and item frames are spread out amonsgt different worlds and are far away from each other so it should have impact if chunks were loaded normally.
Is that correct?
entity count on spark means they are loaded
I fixed it...
what was the issue
a butt load of force loaded chunks

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Requested by doctormysterio.#0
idk how they happeed, I didnt even know that command existed
Most likely from one of your plugins
Probably TARDIS, it keeps the chunks the exterior is in loaded so at a guess there’s probably a previous version that wasn’t tidying up after itself and it left loads of force loaded chunks