Does anybody know where I can find a server owner?

So this will come off as a really stupid question, and that's because it is a really stupid question. I have an idea for a server but do not have the financial or legal responsibility to own it because I'm 15. I feel like there is some person out there does and would be willing to try this idea out as I already have a huge foundation built up from the time I tried this idea myself and failed, I just want to know if theres a place where I can find them.
20 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta9mo ago
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Requested by eightballz0#0
hjk3219mo ago
Like a business partner or something less formal? It would be helpful to explain at least what kind of idea it is and what you mean by having a huge foundation built up.
ProGamingDk9mo ago
you're also expecting someone to take all the risk, for a idea that you already tried and failed, with no market research etc (im assuming), and to partner with someone whos 15 its a lot of risk for not much benefit
Arthurmeade129mo ago
Who says you can't yourself if you know how There's not any laws preventing it, are there?
hjk3219mo ago
Well they also mentioned they don't really have the financial capability either, so I can definitely see where they're coming from. If by "huge foundation" you mean you have custom plugins and/or lots of configuration, builds, etc set up, for some kind of hot new gamemode, then I think it's reasonable to try and find someone like this. But it pretty much would have to be turnkey for the new owner, ie already finished or at least 80% finished. If the farthest you've gotten is an idea on a whiteboard, you should probably develop it more on your own before moving forward with this.
Torrent9mo ago
^ sounds like OP just has an idea on a whiteboard and has absolutely nothing setup/coded/configured
eightballzOP9mo ago
I have a few custom plugins, although not 80% of the server, I have a good foundation of two plugins and another plugin that I would say is about 50% of the full idea, and also tying some things together around the server and a few extra features. I'd say thats at least some foundation, and nobody ever said that I had to go 100% with the idea. There could be some cutbacks that make it work.
Eternal9mo ago
you should be fine tbf anything legal cosign with your parents
Arthurmeade129mo ago
You could get a free host like
1who¡ssus?9mo ago
Ehh hold on No commercial usage
Arthurmeade129mo ago
1who¡ssus?9mo ago
For free plans If you run a project to have a monetary income in an FPS free plan you'll be terminated. Since you all are talking about signing up contracts and all that
Arthurmeade129mo ago
Oh I didn't realize op was trying to do that
1who¡ssus?9mo ago
I'm assuming that because it seems op is taking about signing up contracts
Arthurmeade129mo ago
What contracts do you need to sign to start an mc server 😂
1who¡ssus?9mo ago
hjk3219mo ago
They're asking basically to team up with someone who knows how to manage a community and montetise the server, it's less legal and more of a experience thing i think
1who¡ssus?9mo ago
Monetising the server is the issue here lol if you do that on an FPS (a hosting) free plan you'll be terminated in like 4 minutes. IDK OP but you definitely need people that knows how to manage, and some big inversions before hand & knowing you might fail in the process.
Deer Jerky
Deer Jerky9mo ago
if the intention is to monetize i can see where OP is coming from, but hosting for friends/the fun of it, no need to hand the project off to someone else entirely
1who¡ssus?9mo ago
That's true yea

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