how can i disable the member rank's chatcolor permission

i am trying to make the luckperms default group not able to use color codes with &4 etc, how can i do that. i cant figure out
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15 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta7mo ago
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Requested by touchinggrass#0
SarUK7mo ago
Do you want to disable all colour codes, or just certain colour codes for the default group?
All I want to disable all for the default group, as the server wouldn't be p2w, so the color code is one of the rank perks
SarUK7mo ago
So you should be able to set deny for the default group using You might need to do the same with a FreedomChat permission, I am unfamiliar with that plugin but you should be able to find a permission node for it on line
ProGamingDk7mo ago
thats not a chat plugin its one that prevents chat reporting
SarUK7mo ago
Ah fair enough 😅 The vast majority of your plugins could be handled with the CMI plugin also by the way, it costs $15 and is a bit of a thing to set up, but it would combine almost all of those pkugins you have 🙂 Let me know how you get on with the
ProGamingDk7mo ago
would heavily not recommend it missing a fair few essentials features and the seperated plugins are generally just better + cmilib had a ACE exploit who knows what else is hidden in the actual cmi code
I don't mind switching a chat plugin Anything you'd recommend? Doesn't work, it's only if i use essentials chat Which I don't
ProGamingDk7mo ago
look at chat emojies might be the cause?
Tried Looked at config, perms :/
ProGamingDk7mo ago
also essentials itself has some chat things not in the chat plugin
Still tried the perms No work Looked into the config Used vsc's search feature for color or allow Neither work. It only said color managing is about its chat plugin in the config
Lunaiskey7mo ago
your not using a chat plugin? like i dont see one and by default minecraft doesnt support & chatcolors so ypu have a plugin thats modifying chat
Probably skript if its skript i only have 1 place where the skript contains chat color and it doesnt seem to be related to my issue

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