Hyperverse is dead. How does MyWorlds compare performance-wise?
I've been using Hyperverse for the longest time but I watched it slowly die as it was handed off like a Boston hooker to two different development teams, finding its resting place in Incendo, where it is only updated to work for the latest game version, while it hangs in the limbo of a major rewrite that will probably never come.
Anyway, I loved this plugin because it's blazing fast and rather lightweight, but when the one maintainer is posting jar files to the Discord and not bothering to update the source on any of the several places it's on, that stage of rigor mortis is a signal to me as a server owner that it's time to jump ship.
Multiverse-Core is garbage, I looked for alternatives and found MyWorlds, which is made by bergerkiller who I also use LightCleaner from. How does it compare to Hyperverse / Multiverse-Core? Should I stick with Hyperverse since it's still technically being supported and "If it ain't broke don't fix it"?
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Requested by prototype464#0
multiverse core user here- why is it garbage? I thought it was the 'industry' standard
+1 for multiverse, never had any issues ever with it
altho depending on if ur setup/hosts allows it, you might be better off using a proxy server w/ multiple servers
Multiverse inventories is a scourge on this planet