Admincraftβ€’7mo ago

Growing my playerbase

I currently run a Minecraft server, that in my opinion is really good. It is packed with good features, everything is very well configured. I maintain it very good. So the gameplay on my server is just amazing. But now, how do I get players? I've been having a hard time getting new players. I already have my server listed on multiple server lists and I make content on TikTok. We do get sometimes players that join but instantly go away when they see there is no one else online. How do I get the ball rolling???
52 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Metaβ€’7mo ago
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Play yourself, Get your friends to play, build an active community around the server and have the people within that community play alot also try and host events or similar also when making your content try to give the person actual value in watching it, as it makes it so they feel trust torwards you
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
Could u explain that last one a bit more?
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
yeah frankly I think anybody who publicly advertises honestly does worse for their server than better
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
How do I create that feel of trust in content
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
I’d recommend making your server standout through word of mouth, tell your friends, if they enjoy the server they’ll tell their friends about it and so it grows. create a good community on discord, invite people you know or meet with similar interests, and let it grow from there
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
I see servers that are much worse in term of development have a much bigger playerbase I don't get that
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
he’s talking about advertising through content on social media platforms I believe don’t worry about other servers, just focus on what you want out of your community
instead of just: PLAY ON MY SERVER! give them knowledge or something, like give them some value in watching it, a minecraft fun fact or anything similar will work
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
ooh like that
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
also if you have niches, cater to those like a niche game on your server, or something interesting that you notice other servers don’t commonly do great idea but this also relies on him having viewers from a YouTube channel. this is great if you already have some community developed but if you don’t, I’d say focus on making friends and acquaintances with other people and sharing your goals of the server/community with them in other words, get everyone involved in the creation of a nice community
I can tell you, it works if you have 0 and if yuo have 10000 im making videos like hes talking about as a side hustle :P
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
And how do I meet people to get them into my community?
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
do you have friends who play Minecraft rn
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
A few
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
ask them if they wanna join say you’re working on making an mc server and community and you want some opinions
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
Alright Nice
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
try to get them interested in the success of the server in the same way you’re interested share ideas, plans, whatever whatever and so forth
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
Thats something I really struggle with, nobody seems to understand my vision for the server
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
if the opportunity presents itself, there’s also nothing wrong with including people you correspond with on discord/reddit who seem to share an interest what is your vision if you don’t mind me asking
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
Idk if vision was the correct word. I find it very hard to explain tbh Thats maybe the problem that I cant explain it Tbh, I wanna grow this server until its a business And I can see it working I just need the resources
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
ok, so what exactly do you want to gain from your server? is it more to generate income from players? create a community? work on it as a personal hobby? ok so lemme tell you something
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
Thats not my priority tho, but it is a goal of mine
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
if that’s the case, I think your priorities may be in the wrong place right now. don’t get me wrong it’s a great end goal, but you can’t begin a server project with that intention in mind ok, well don’t focus on money right now regardless
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
I mostly do it because I love to create, build and make things
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
great get other people involved who also like to do those things It’s as simple as that
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
I do already have a friend of mine involved and I'm trying to tell him to see where this server can be headed to but he just wants to get paid for everything he contributes to in the server Sorry if I formulate my sentences weird, not a native speaker
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
back when I first made my server, I wanted to create a community also to make a business out of it. it didn’t work. instead the priority switched to building a community and now that a lot of my friends have moved on, my focus has shifted to personal hobby project, with the eventual intention of launching publicly and gaining a new community no problem then don’t keep him involved
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
But then I have no one
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
if that’s all he wants to do, find other people who have their priorities straight you will find people like I said, you can include people you correspond with online if you deem it appropriate you also don’t need to focus on numbers on your server right now. build a community on discord, and worry about getting players on your server at that point
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
Alright Great advice
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
by the way, not keeping him involved doesn’t mean kicking him off the server, just don’t keep him as a co owner or admin or helper you don’t want someone to influence you negatively in your passion project
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
Do you think its possible for me to change his priorities? How do I give him that vision
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
it is your project, remember that, so you have full control of your decisions at this point well next time he brings it up, state that you’re not interested in making money right now, I just want to focus on this project for fun and because it’s something I like to do. If you want to join with me, you gotta have that same mindset cause our priorities need to match if we’re gonna work as a team
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
Thats great
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
tell him how can we make money if we have no players and have no community to provide for people? also, when you do get business, please don’t make it pay to win. imo the best types of servers simply offer donations and cosmetics. don’t get into buying in-game money, or kits, or crates or that crap not only is it against the eula, it makes your server and community massively unattractive
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
Great, understood But on the otherside, some servers make massive bank with pay to win
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
frankly, it’s unethical trust me, p2w is never the way to go don’t expect that you’re going to make bank from your server Whatever happens happens
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
Isn't hypixel skyblock pay to win?
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
a little bit
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
Do you currently own a server? just curious, don't have to tell me which one
The β€œserver owner” role.
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
oh sorry lol Forgot
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
In 2020 when I was young, stupid and before the Eula change, I had a shop that was incredibly p2w not purposely. I had a discord community of around 30 people and no player ever purchased from the shop.
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
Hmmm alright I will definitly keep it in mind Question if I may, do you think a wiki for my Minecraft server is a usefull feature or is it just useless? Can I send here the link of my wiki or is that not allowed?
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
^ useless right now, and I don’t know if that’s allowed
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
understood 😁
Jyrotecβ€’7mo ago
trust me it’s easy to get caught up in all the cool stuff you wanna do, but take it slow
Louis_DewOPβ€’7mo ago
I can believe that

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