How to make ranks and certain things look different with Resource Pack and without
For example Pika Network did this.
If you have their Custom Resource Pack you will see some things from the RP, but if you dont it is textual.
For example:
Any ideas
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Requested by kamber5#0
itemsadder font images, or make them manually with a resource pack by changing the texture of a symbol like
to a custom icon, then in luckperms you reference that ☠
to use the custom textureThats okay, my ranks are already custom icons with the usage of fonts.
My question here is how did they do it to be different when player has no rp and has rp on server.
The two pictures are from the same server and game.
Idk what RP means in this context, or how their server is set up, so hard to tell
Resource Pack. I will give more info just in a few minutes, and also an example how it looks on my server so you can see what they did differently.
Its actualy super cool that they done it it gives options to players who dont want the Resource pack to also se ranks and some stuff.
Yeah that’s very smart. I actually have no idea. Ask ChatGPT
Here is how my server looks when i accept the Server Resource Pack:
Here is if i decline it:
Here are pictures again from Pika:
It can probably be done with many placeholders and packets. But idk how optimised that would be for one server.
they probably do something custom
you can (iirc) check if a player denies the texture pack or it fails to load
then they probably use a placeholder, where it is set to the custom unicode for the graphic if they have the resourcepack, or just text if not