is there any way to have your friends start up the server whenever they want to?

i don't want to always want my PC to start up 24/7, so it'd be good if i could let them start it up on their own PC
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Requested by omen2245#0
bunnybreakr2y ago
uh not sure but probably not
PleaseSignOut2y ago
I assume you host the server on your own machine and in that case, no. If you are using a hosting service it will be on 24/7. You could have the PC on at all times and disable all processes not 100% necessary for the server to run to save power. Your server has to use your own machine’s RAM so if your machine is not running the server has no access to memory.
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
make a web server, and, put a singular button on it that upon pressing runs the start.bat file. Or you can install McMyAdmin. If you really wanted to, you could install PufferPanel in docker though it would have a performance impact
QarthO2y ago
Use a host instead of locally running ur server. There’s free options available for small playerbases Best way to solve this problem imo
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
What you could do is, get some type of version control thing going. Where it'll just sync server files to all of your computers, and, upon lets say 1 of them playing without you, there wil lbe more file sto sync wtih you. This will be horrible in terms of network bandwidth, however, would do as you want The best solution for this would b eto get a raspberry Pi or something, and, host the server files in there, and, whenever 1 of you want to play just download from that, and, reupload a new file
CtrlAltDelMe2y ago
What are those free alts? I think they want to play all together
QarthO2y ago
Oracle cloud
CtrlAltDelMe2y ago
Don't expect to run heavily modded server on recent versions
QarthO2y ago
CtrlAltDelMe2y ago
It'll definitely run lots of mods in 1.16 or 1.12 fine tho But in 1.18 and up you want to have as little mods as possible And don't plan to get more than 5 players

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