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Requested by querlenker#0
Version: 1.20
PaperMC Server
why do u need this
sounds like XY
sometimes server use too much ram for no reason and then crash and reset like last 5min
yeah thats a oom crash
can be fixed with correct startup flags.
most of the time
i even disabled oom once and same happend
how can i setup those correctly ?
there are 2 oom killers
1 u cant really disable with pterodactyl
and then pterodactyl own one
send ur current ones here
set max ram percentage to 80
if its running on linux (which im guessing it is) then you ain't stoppping the linux oom killer
nah, running on ubuntu
ubuntu is linux
extend or something
ubuntu is a linux distribution
why should linux kill it ?
it is not max ram the hole thing got
because it thinks it running out of memory
because its hitting the limit u have set
well then its another oom killer
its reserved ram (not actual usage) is*
i put 1gb less ram for the node, then i acctual got, so it should be fine and i got reserved ram at my other server when the other overload
node ram doesnt matter.
its for that individual instance
i mean, it block the amout i can reserve
just set max rampercentage to around 80%
okay, i will try that