invalid signature
Hey i have tried plenty of plugins but some players are still getting the following:
[22:27:48 INFO]: sebastiaannnnn lost connection: Invalid signature for profile public key
Anyone has suggestions?
Have tried plugins such as Replies
Thanks for asking your question!
Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
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Requested by sebastiaandb#0
FreedomChat - Minecraft Plugin
Liberate your server from the chat-reporting bourgeoisie! The best paper chat report disabler this side of the Mississippi
I am not sure if this would fix it. But i have this plugin.
is enforce-secure-profiles set to false?
and depending on proxy, force-key-authentication should be set to false on velocity
Using bungee
enforce-secure-profiles then (on the proxy)
also why ðŸ˜
Velocity is a lot better.
tried but did not fix it
try freedomchat, but enable the popup in config
Tried freedomchat
that did not solve it
but sure, ill try with popup
that wont fix it, it just makes the plugin not against the MUG
then what will fix it xd
A lot of players having this issue or a few?
Quite many*
[22:38:40 INFO]: SebastiaanDB lost connection: Invalid signature for profile public key.
Try restarting your game.
its all the same error
is there a bungeecord plugin for it maybe?Do you have bungeecord set to true in your spigot.yml
bungeecord: true
I suggest switching to velocity
then ill have to replace a hell of a lot of plugins
I would not say a lot as some if not most plugins have support for velocity and bungee.
tbf waterfall is EOL, which was the biggest if plugins dont change to velocity shouldnt really use em
SignedVelocity - Minecraft Plugin
Allows you to cancel or modify messages or commands from Velocity without synchronization problems
if you were using velocity
Use velocity and drop bungee
then xcord don't work tho
(my anti bot and anti whatever plugin)
GitHub - jonesdevelopment/sonar: Sonar is a lightweight, effective ...
Sonar is a lightweight, effective and easy-to-use anti-bot plugin for your Minecraft server. (No Bukkit support yet!) - jonesdevelopment/sonar
and be online-mode
this works?
I have had no issues like this on velocity so i suggest you do it.
Yup and it does quite well i would say.
There goes a pain switching it all up ig
Nah it is basically the same and i can guarantee that most plugins either have support for velocity or there is a plugin compatible with velocity which does the same.
nvm i can't switch
i have 1 plugin
that doesn't support velo
and its needed
can't do without
which is it?
a custom one
preventing certain commands in a certain server
There is a free version as well.
LuckPerms may do that as well.
Although it would be a mess, kind of.
nah i need it stronger then Luckperms
like incase people hack the server // luckperms
just it needs to be dead impossible
Never heard of such thing.
i have the plugin tho xd
Hm maybe convert it to velo?
im no coder xd
Get a dev xD
It is worth it
bungee is so old and not as good and newer plugins are made mostly for velocity ig
doesn't do per server
Place on backends then yes it does, or use permission groups with lp context
afaik when placed on a backend it can't block bungee commands right
Well what proxy command do you need blocked on a single server
Else do the other option
all thosecan't these be blocked by perms?
and why you want the blocked?
Why only on one server
And all of those commands are generally unexploitable, except ig send
not with auth
Youre asking in a community where offline mode is discuraged, against rules, etc, and even then, you can have backends have a whitelist if theres a server you want noone else to join
So you mean you don't want people to do /server lifesteal in auth server?
What auth plugin you use?
Mine prevents people from doing any other commands other than /register and /login
That doesn't include bungee cmds for me
But i think i fixed it