CoinsEngine placeholder problem

I don't know if it's the plugins fault or what's the deal, but the placeholder doesn't work. This is the documentation from the wiki:
Where [currency] is your custom currency identifier (equals to the currency file name).
%coinsengine_balance_[currency]% - Displays player's currency balance formatted by currency settings.
Where [currency] is your custom currency identifier (equals to the currency file name).
%coinsengine_balance_[currency]% - Displays player's currency balance formatted by currency settings.
No description
6 Replies
Admincraft Meta
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command to close
/close !close !solved
Requested by bambizo#0
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Replace the name "gold" with the name of your currency.
BambizoOP2y ago
it is the name of the currency
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Oh, in your other post you had it named "souls"
BambizoOP2y ago
i have two currencies souls and gold wait nvm im dumb, all i had to do was reload the damn thing XDDD

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