Wanting to start an open server from my old computer

Hello y'all, so recently ive been having an itch to revive a minecraft server that died a few years ago. This would be my first time hosting a minecraft server, let alone one that might get 20 ppl on at the same time. So, if its not too much to ask, is it possible that i could get a rundown on everything that i would need to know to run the server on my old pc? (ryzen 5 3600, 32 gigs RAM) Should i be concerned about network security? (as it would be run from my house network). Thanks in advance
48 Replies
Tamzβ€’2mo ago
Carl-botβ€’2mo ago
Home hosting has its drawbacks / caveats
- Is your internet connection fast enough? In both directions (around 50M is usually enough; you should check here)? You don't connect the server to your router via WiFi, do you? - Does your ISP provide a somewhat static, public, IPv4 address? - Are you aware and able to deal with the security impliations? - Is your computer powerful enough to run both a client and a server? - Does any inhabitant (human or not!) mind the noise, heat and energy cost of a machine running 24/7? - Alternatively, is your playerbase OK with the server not being there when you aren't?
Admincraft Canned Responses
Faithfully Atlantique
Faithfully AtlantiqueOPβ€’2mo ago
well ill be dammed
Tamzβ€’2mo ago
if those 20 players arent all firneds or family dont host it for them and get a hosted server instead
Faithfully Atlantique
Faithfully AtlantiqueOPβ€’2mo ago
yeah but i dont really want to pay for the server upkeep
Tamzβ€’2mo ago
the upkeep? what host are you looking at even? or just in general
Faithfully Atlantique
Faithfully AtlantiqueOPβ€’2mo ago
just in general
Tamzβ€’2mo ago
they are pretty cheap tbf
Faithfully Atlantique
Faithfully AtlantiqueOPβ€’2mo ago
yeah problem is i cant spend a dime on hosting
Tamzβ€’2mo ago
like pebblehost offers a 1$ per gb of ram for their cheapest plan and itll support those 20 players without much issue how come :Hmmmmm:
Faithfully Atlantique
Faithfully AtlantiqueOPβ€’2mo ago
no mone and before you ask, the electricity bill is not a problem bc my home has solar panels
Tamzβ€’2mo ago
feel that and thats pretty fire ok so go through this you will need to pray that your ipv4 isnt dynamic and is static if its dynamic, you cant host oh you can always try to get the free oracle tier servers where is that guide one second
Faithfully Atlantique
Faithfully AtlantiqueOPβ€’2mo ago
-idk -not really -i think so yeah -no one minds -well probs not
Tamzβ€’2mo ago
Carl-botβ€’2mo ago
https://setup.md/guides/oracle-cloud You can use this guide to create a free mc server, please be aware this requires technical understand, a debit/credit card to verify yourself and availability in your region.
Oracle Cloud
A modified version of the guide produced by u/Belaboy1095969 on the Admincraft reddit using Ubuntu LTS.
Faithfully Atlantique
Faithfully AtlantiqueOPβ€’2mo ago
welp now im pretty sure that my isp doesnt offer static ip adresses so yeah
Tamzβ€’2mo ago
go with oracle or try to
Faithfully Atlantique
Faithfully AtlantiqueOPβ€’2mo ago
so the oracle thingy is like a vpn for the server so that the players connect to oracle and then oracle can always be connected to the computer? or is it like hosting it on the cloud
Tamzβ€’2mo ago
no oracle is just a actual server you can use with ssh and everything its a online pc
Faithfully Atlantique
Faithfully AtlantiqueOPβ€’2mo ago
Tamzβ€’2mo ago
How To Create a Free 24GB Dedicated Modded Minecraft Server in Unde...
https://bigchadguys.com Will work with any mod loader as well as any modpack Article referenced: https://blogs.oracle.com/developers/post/how-to-set-up-and-run-a-really-powerful-free-minecraft-server-in-the-cloud Have any questions? Discord: https://discord.gg/B5YQsgSZbR BigChadGuys Plus available on CurseForge! Links used in the video: htt...
Faithfully Atlantique
Faithfully AtlantiqueOPβ€’2mo ago
damn that sound excessively complicated well, what im reading at least
Tamzβ€’2mo ago
complicated, yesish free yes
Faithfully Atlantique
Faithfully AtlantiqueOPβ€’2mo ago
and with more or less the same performance as, for example, the hypothetical server i wouldve hosted on my pc?
Tamzβ€’2mo ago
more or less yes but you wont have to host on your pc and itll be a 24/7 server as long as it doesnt crash lol
Faithfully Atlantique
Faithfully AtlantiqueOPβ€’2mo ago
welp thats a lot to consider lmao
Tamzβ€’2mo ago
self host pros its your pc cons
easily ddosed
its your network
you pay for the stuff
if it breaks you pay for it
easily ddosed
its your network
you pay for the stuff
if it breaks you pay for it
Oracle host pros
its not your pc
its on a network that can support whatever you need
its decent ddos protection
its not your pc
its on a network that can support whatever you need
its decent ddos protection
kinda difficult to learn, but once mastered its no longer a con
its hard to get oracles free tier as so many want it
kinda difficult to learn, but once mastered its no longer a con
its hard to get oracles free tier as so many want it
Faithfully Atlantique
Faithfully AtlantiqueOPβ€’2mo ago
"its hard to get oracles free tier as so many want it", so theres a waitlist?
Tamzβ€’2mo ago
theres no waitlist its just a grab when you can
Faithfully Atlantique
Faithfully AtlantiqueOPβ€’2mo ago
Tamzβ€’2mo ago
they dont have a waitlist for it its a thing thats just there if you get it, congrats if you dont, wait longer ig
Faithfully Atlantique
Faithfully AtlantiqueOPβ€’2mo ago
wow thats certainly a... method hah
Tamzβ€’2mo ago
Faithfully Atlantique
Faithfully AtlantiqueOPβ€’2mo ago
well i just tried to sign up for the oracle thing and my card was declined somehow
Tamzβ€’2mo ago
good luck
Faithfully Atlantique
Faithfully AtlantiqueOPβ€’2mo ago
guess its what happens when you are spanish lmao
functionbtwβ€’2mo ago
Oracle charges $1 and gives it back to test that it is a genuine and legitimate payment source.
lavaking46β€’2mo ago
FYI, you can host if you have a dynamic IPv4 Address. I have a small script to update the domain I own with the new IP, it also seldom changes. You'll also get better performance on your computer compared to Oracle
Would 100% not recommend self hosting a public server at home on dynamic ip It’s not stable, and it’s also not secure
lavaking46β€’2mo ago
I would agree for anyone who doesn't know what they are doing.
asdfbiznessβ€’2mo ago
Agree with Dominic. We host our server through, arguably still not the best, Oracle Cloud's PAYG tier which gives enough RAM for a smp with many players At least it was nice until someone named _Carvvy griefed it
Faithfully Atlantique
Faithfully AtlantiqueOPβ€’2mo ago
Holy hell i managed to create the account I managed to get to the "create you VM" part, but theres no hosting space available (cries)
Just upgrade to payg Free tier is out of capacity for those 4c 24g shapes
KKbutter2281β€’2mo ago
I noticed alot of comments regarding oracle It works well but your pc will have better performance Here is my suggestion Run your bungeecord on Oracle Sorry Velocity on oracle Run your world servers on your home pc by port forwarding Any websites you have (like your server website or world map) should be proxied through cloudflare And there The security issue is gone A ryzen 5 and 32gb of ram will be good enough for most servers
Upiotiβ€’2mo ago
Then don't because you will have to spend a few dimes on ddos protection or a vps tunnel anyways This Tho id probably run some go/c/rust based proxy that wont crash the 1gb vps easily
KKbutter2281β€’2mo ago
It would be a 4gb proxy I would assume Go at least 4gb on your proxy just in case of sudden growth or DDOSs that arent caught by your ddos prot causing your proxy to spike
Upiotiβ€’2mo ago
Oracle has like no ddos prot tho We aren't really talking about ddos attacks but bots or similar things Still 4gb 4c should be enough for most velocity proxies
KKbutter2281β€’2mo ago
yes ddos no way small dos maybe hmm

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