Created by lavaking46 on 12/27/2024 in #questions
Stress Testing/Performance Testing
Hello, I'd like to get some input from you guys on stress testing and performance testing. I and some friends have been working together on various projects and especially of late have been trying to optimize and research different forks and performance of different systems. As we've done so we've found a lot of conflicting arguments over which forks are better and what to do for performance. As such we have started talking about testing the performance of different softwares and different settings, but I'd like to get some information on what you guys would say should be done to make this as accurate as possible and as automatable as possible. Here are some questions I'd like addressed. For stress testing, would it be most accurate by having a pregenned world of a specific size with default settings set on each software tested? Would using bots rather than actual players change the performance at all or are bots seen and treated as regular players by the server? specifically bots that are created/run outside of the server and made to join. What should be used to make these tests most accurate in being able to measure performance differences between server softwares as well as between having/not having plugins or datapacks, etc. I'm sure I'll have more questions, but I will post them here as needed.
51 replies
Created by lavaking46 on 12/8/2024 in #questions
High ram allocation
On my hub server that is a void world used for directing players between servers, the ram usage in pterodactyl constantly sits at 6+gb's of ram and has crashed for OOM in the past. When looking at the current spark report for it, the report shows less than a gig of ram usage but allocating 6+gb's of ram. Any suggestions for not only reducing the allocated ram but also the used ram? I would prefer to keep this on a newer version, and I may be upgrading to 1.21.3/1.21.4 soon if that changes anything. is the profiler.
23 replies
Created by lavaking46 on 11/30/2024 in #questions
Does ram speed affect performance?
How does ram speed affect server performance especially in conjunction with better or worse CPUs? I'm specifically looking at DDR5 ram atm.
12 replies
Created by lavaking46 on 8/20/2024 in #questions
Server perf on an Intel Xeon platinum
Kind of a dumb question but I want to ask it regardless. can an Intel Xeon Platinum processor handle a 1.21 server with ~20 players with 20 TPS and no lag? Also I've been told plugins will be more performant than datapacks. Is their reasons why this is the case? With a spark report seeing that execute commands are the highest usage, other than /perf is their a good way to determine what commands are highest of those?
5 replies
Created by lavaking46 on 9/10/2023 in #questions
Can anyone help with jigsaw blocks?
I am attempting to add some custom structures into the game and im struggling with the aligned/rollable part of the jigsaw.
4 replies
Created by lavaking46 on 9/9/2023 in #questions
What ports does ptero need?
What ports need to be open for pterodactyl panel? I know I can use cloudflare tunnels to be able to not open 80 and 443 but if the wings server is on the same as the panel does that mean I can close the ports for wings or do they need to be open?
7 replies
Created by lavaking46 on 9/4/2023 in #questions
Aikars Vs hilltty flags
I read on that hillty flags are better for newer versions and was wondering if I should switch my aikars flags for all my servers(all run on 1.20.1). I have also seen my velocity server ram usage going up continously and sitting at near max usage with under 10 players on at a time.
9 replies
Created by lavaking46 on 9/3/2023 in #questions
Anyone know what the values mean for the minecraft profiler?
I just used minecrafts built in performance profiler to try and analyze what commands and different systems were causing lag. As i'm reading theirs a ton of different jargon with averages and percentage/percentage values and I wanted to know if anyone here could explain what the different values mean
26 replies
Created by lavaking46 on 9/2/2023 in #questions
Velocity Host configuration
I'm currently trying to setup velocity so that a certain domain points to a specific server on my network. I set the domain value and the name of the server and used an srv record to point the subdomain to the server. This just sends me to my regular hub server. can anyone explain how I'm supposed to do it?
17 replies
Created by lavaking46 on 9/2/2023 in #questions
Identifying Lag Computers I have this spark profiler than was running during an event. far as I could tell it was execute commands taking up all the thread but I would like to make sure that is the case and have some help identifying which specific commands are causing the problems.
12 replies
Created by lavaking46 on 8/31/2023 in #questions
Effective ways of checking for updates using a script and notifying an individual of updates?
I want to make a script(with python or bash or something) that can automatically check for updates to certain softwares. Largely this would be for plugins but preferably I would like it to be something along the lines of an API check or something that I can use for more than just checking spigot/paper for new plugins. Any ideas/tips on how to do this?
7 replies
Created by lavaking46 on 8/25/2023 in #questions
Identify reason for lag
I took this spark report during a lag spike on the server and wanted some help identifying what caused the lag spike. I'm aware I can change settings to make the server perform better but I would rather keep it closer to vanilla until performance becomes absolutely critical
31 replies
Created by lavaking46 on 8/25/2023 in #questions
Spark error when opening live profiler
I get this error when I try to open the spark live profiler on my server. anyone know how to fix it?
14 replies
Created by lavaking46 on 8/21/2023 in #questions
Tool like FAWE but for fabric
I work on a variety of maps and we use FAWE as a replacement for WorldEdit as FAWE is faster and adds more tools. However when looking I haven't been able to find fabric equivalents to FAWE and so I decided to ask here. Reason for switching off of paper would be almost entirely for increasing performance/
69 replies
Created by lavaking46 on 8/20/2023 in #questions
Paper Development
I used to do more development on servers but have since forgotten a lot of how to create plugins. Anyone have any good guides or recommended reading for getting back into/starting into plugin development(folia, paper or velocity only)
23 replies
Created by lavaking46 on 8/14/2023 in #questions
Self-hosting vs. cloud hosting
I've noticed a lot of people say that its better to use cloud hosting rather than self-hosting. is this mostly because most people don't know how to self-host properly or because their is something inherently worse about hosting it yourself on dedicated hardware you have?
8 replies
Created by lavaking46 on 8/10/2023 in #questions
Raid issue
I recently built a basic vanilla raid farm on my server. This raid farm automatically kills all the raiders using fall damage and lava. I just noticed after a few hours of using it that I haven't been getting the hero of the village affect. Server is running 1.20.1 Paper. I am mostly wondering if it might be that as a player I need to have damaged/killed a mob within the raid or the game detects who as players participated in the raid.
4 replies
Created by lavaking46 on 8/10/2023 in #questions
Random lag spikes
As I play on my server I get random lag spikes. its a dedicated server. tps drops and lag usually happens when we hit 4-5 players but mostly isnt noticable but randomly spikes
21 replies
Created by lavaking46 on 8/8/2023 in #questions
Whats wrong with this config?
I created this nginx config(using my own domain not example) and restarted nginx but when I went to the website it still directs me to the local server rather than the "remote" server I want it to
server {
listen 80;

location / {
proxy_pass http://other-server;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
server {
listen 80;

location / {
proxy_pass http://other-server;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
46 replies
Created by lavaking46 on 8/2/2023 in #questions
Player joins and all online players on said server are instantly kicked
Earlier today someone who plays my server reached out and said that they were getting randomly kicked. Console says they were disconnecting. They got a screenshot of the error and its the error caused by chunk banning. I scanned their entire base and its not chunk banned. Upon investigating I discovered that their friend who was playing with them was the cause. anytime said player joins all players connected to that specific server of the velocity server are kicked with the message. Any attempts to use openinv, or other admin plugins to determine data on the player result in the same thing. I'm working on checking player data files manually but I wanted to see if anyone else has any ideas of causes or whether its an exploit.
50 replies