Paper Development

I used to do more development on servers but have since forgotten a lot of how to create plugins. Anyone have any good guides or recommended reading for getting back into/starting into plugin development(folia, paper or velocity only)
15 Replies
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QarthO2y ago
If you’ve already have a background and understand how to code and just want a refresher, the easiest way is to just look at some of the super popular plugins source code to see how they do things If u want more of an in depth one, the spigot tutorials on their forums are pretty well made All spigot coding works on paper software. U can look at the paper docs for the few changes they have One big thing that’s new (not really new, but prob new to u) and I recommend is using the adventure library
lavaking46OP2y ago
can you give a link to that?
QarthO2y ago
I don’t have a link to it, just Google it, I promise it’ll be at the top Sorry on mobile
lavaking46OP2y ago
Lunaiskey2y ago
you are allowed to ask this in the #development channel btw
lavaking46OP2y ago
I decided to ask in #questions because its a question
Lunaiskey2y ago
theres not really any guides for plugin developement other then some of the stuff related like using the event api, creating a command, etc i dont think theres even a guide for being able to use internals or mojang mappings(other then maven and still then its hard to findd)
EterNity2y ago
@lavaking46 hello. Thank you for taking an interest in develop for PaparMC related projects. Our team is hard at work to modernize our doc site and we do have some articles and setup guides if you want to use our tooling. You can find them here Additionally, you are free to join paper discord and ask questions in related channels
QarthO2y ago
Spigot Plugin Development | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft
The home of Spigot a high performance, no lag customized CraftBukkit Minecraft server API, and BungeeCord, the cloud server proxy.
EterNity2y ago
I think the OP ask in particular for Paper though :paperOhhh:
QarthO2y ago
Yes read my post ^
EterNity2y ago
oh I figured he asked for Paper because he wants to take advantage of Paper API and our toolings. Sorry I didnt read your mesasge originally as I just saw the initial post and made my suggestion :paperPls: All is good! :Pepelove:
lavaking46OP2y ago
K thanks !close
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