Is UUID spoofing still a thing?

Was it patched, or is this vulnerability still a thing?
20 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta8mo ago
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Requested by im_slate#0
slateOP8mo ago
If it is, will exploitfixer solve that
ProGamingDk8mo ago
exploitfixer isnt good, lpx is better, but what leche said
slateOP8mo ago
marked? I run an online mode bungeecord server without a firewall It's that I can't really trust BungeeGuard to be infallible, and I'd like to have peace of mind or know if I need to commission an authenticator for my staff This is because my proxy is on the same machine as my backend servers and therefore my backend servers could be discovered by a scan
Torrent8mo ago
Ehh I’m gonna trust leche on this one You most likely exposed this with a spark report or something in a previous thread
Discount Milk
Discount Milk8mo ago
Actually no I don't have a note for the block, there's just a block. Don't witch hunt on this. Unconfirmed :FrogeBIGEYES:
slateOP8mo ago
I did it for you. Two years old, not even me saying I'm hosting a cracked server Just had the crime of a different opinion Voltaire would be disappointed. And I'm glad keyboard warriors such as yourself valiantly defend the bottom line of the Microsoft corporation... from people who often don't actually support cracked clients at all. With a ban hammer in one hand and a mute button in the other, you so cleverly filter out the pirates from the legitimate, all the while completely forgetting this is a support server
ProGamingDk8mo ago
support server with a literal banner that says piracy is bad theres nothing forgotten + its in the rules
slateOP8mo ago
This isn't a cracked network You would know that if you had the reading comprehension above the level held by an exceptionally clever goldfish
ProGamingDk8mo ago
ok, that wasnt the point " you so cleverly filter out the pirates from the legitimate, all the while completely forgetting this is a support server" he says that people dont get support with cracked, networks and removed the message after he realised the block wasnt cracked server caused generally*
slateOP8mo ago
Yes, as he has decided that he's going to accuse me of piracy, then back down and deleted all of it, and completely forgot that I'm trying to get some answers here LPX also doesn't seem to be able to detect UUID spoofs
ProGamingDk8mo ago
"deleted all of it"? what
slateOP8mo ago
Instead of verifying that my problem could only happen to pirates or that I had accidentally leaked my config, @Discount Milk decided that all of that checking was simply below him instead.
ProGamingDk8mo ago
could only happen to pirates or not doesnt matter?
slateOP8mo ago
Deleted what he said
ProGamingDk8mo ago
he didnt delete^^ he deleted the accusation as he wasnt sure
slateOP8mo ago
... dude. He also deleted his suggestion to improve security I believe that you may actually have the reading comprehension below that of the aforementioned exceptionally clever goldfish I'm sorry for doing nothing but use insults, but I've been disrespected, and this can go both ways. I'll join an alt in here in the future if I ever need the help of sub-exceptionally-clever goldfishes such as yourself. Don't bother typing in here anymore, I won't be able to see it.
Torrent8mo ago
Aaand he left the discord Good riddance tbh. Emotional intelligence of a fruit fly
ProGamingDk8mo ago
hes gonna be alting
Sen8mo ago
For future people just use Velocity. And dont pirate. As long as you secure your backends properly with firewalls and only letting players connect through the proxy its unlikely they can spoof anything

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