After fixing my 1.12.2 servers to run Java 8. I can't run my 1.20.2, 1.21.4, and velocity server.

I am getting this error message when I run and server 1.20.2 and above
21 Replies
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nickoOP3w ago
Carl-bot3w ago
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nickoOP3w ago
Unknown Log [#XYNt4Uo]
16 lines
nickoOP3w ago
nickoOP3w ago
Sir Fragalicious
what java version is your velocity server running on? You might need to specify a specific JRE for velocity compared to the default java home used in 1.12.X. I believe JRE 21 is required for 1.20+ while 1.12 is JRE 16. I might have those versions wrong.
nickoOP3w ago
I have Java 21 and Java 8. Java 8 for 1.12.2 and Java 21 for everything else. It was working great until I downlaoded the server packs for SkyFactory 4 and StoneBlock 2
Sir Fragalicious - Paper log
"Minecraft 1.19 requires running the server with Java 17 or above. Download Java 17 (or above) from"
Home | Adoptium
Eclipse Adoptium provides prebuilt OpenJDK binaries ...
Sir Fragalicious
Yourew paper server is not on java 17 or above What are your launch parameters? It cannot find your file @user_jvm_args.txt
nickoOP3w ago
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nickoOP3w ago
Should I donwload JRE or JDK
Sir Fragalicious
JRE - JDK is for developing and compiling
Sir Fragalicious
Can you verify the @user_jvm_args.txt exist?
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Sir Fragalicious
since your on windows - what is your java home set to? is it the java 8 or a different version?
nickoOP3w ago
How do I find my java home? It is all working now. I just needed to reinstall java 21 @Sir FragaliciousThe only server that isnt working now is my SkyFactoy 4 server
nickoOP3w ago
It worked I changed some things in the server settings and everything works good now
Sir Fragalicious
Glad to hear.
nickoOP3w ago
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