My friends can't join to my server until I join or leave
I need help with this issue, please. If somebody knows how to fix it, it'll help me so much. Thank you.
The server is hosted on my PC, I opened ports and my friends can join for a period of time if I joined before.
58 Replies
Thanks for asking your question!
Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
Make sure to mark solved when issue is solved!!!
Requested by ghbi#0
Oh wow that's a weird one
You're using a virtual VPN like hamachi to host a Minecraft world or is it the whole Minecraft server software?
Oh wait I'm blind
You said you opened ports so why would you have to use hamachi
They use my public IP to join to the server
Yeah and you're running the server software
That's a weird one, mind sending logs?
Im running a spigot server its not vanilla
No worries
There's still logs
Why spigot and not paper btw?
I send you the logs folder?
idk I ever used spigot
Just the latest.log
Use paper, it's generally better
PaperMC is a Minecraft software organization focusing on improving the game’s ecosystem with faster and more secure software.
Please use a paste service instead!
Paste services are more mobile friendly and easier to read than just posting a log file
Requested by ghbi#0
[13:39:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] Loading SkinsRestorer v14.2.12
[13:39:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [LoginSecurity] Loading LoginSecurity v3.1.1
[13:39:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [FastLogin] Loading FastLogin v1.12-SNAPSHOT-5cd10fd
Its because the offline mode?
we dont support offline-mode servers
Not really it's just that most members there don't support offline mode
(I try to help everyone even offline because I know it's difficult there)
well the discord in itself doesnt support it
Im sorry, in my country minecraft is not cheap and some friends cant buy it
and if staff etc does, discord can tos ban the entire discord.
due to piracy
offline-mode is also against server rules
I know a legal reseller which sells Minecraft at 22€ and it's trustworthy because my friends bought Minecraft there, want to see it?
and how can u be sure its legal
They're not stolen accs
is its a official minecraft partner
that doesnt mean its legal
look argentina inflation
Well uh I have no ways to backup that so I'll research on my own
isnt windows 10 edition (bedrock for pc) with localized pricing?
Regardless the issue, could it be related to the fact that you're using spigot?
I don't think there's any correlation but
I prefer paper
Its a bit cheaper but we have taxes that make the price to be more expensive 💀
I dont think so
Idk just use paper
It's generally better
I don't think it will fix the issue but
It's good
I'll try it
reading the logs you can see when I join and leave to allow my friends joining to the server
This is hacky as hell but
What if you tell them to login with your user
Just set an auth plugin
But this is an issue you'll have to look into lol
This is just a crappy fix^
See if this allows them to join
If it does then it might be a plugin issue
I tell someone to do it
Please tell me you guys aren't using tlauncher lol
I thought to let them to use my pc remotely to join to the server with my account lol
Im premium
Some friends are premium too
But the cracked guys aren't at tlauncher right?
They use LauncherFenix ¿
No idea what's that but eh
It's not tlauncher
Something is something
Entonces hablas español
Epic jajsjs
I'll talk in eng to abide to the server rules tho
But as a little fun fact, Spanish is my 1st & main language
Im not so good at english
We could communicate better in spanish ¿
I hope you manage to short it out this issue tho. Could you share your plugins?
I gtg soon tho
Not there I think. I could do DMs but I don't really know how to fix that issue
I bet it's a plugin
chatpings coloredsigns coreprotect fastlogin loginsecurity luckperms protocollib resourcepackselector simpledeathcoordinates skinsrestorer sleep-most simplevoicechat
I think that it's something of my internet
Because I can join whenever I want
If other players can join with your name, I doubt it
I join using my local IP
and then they can join with my public IP
Yeah that's normal
Heading out, gonna sleep
thank you for helping me
No problem!
My friend cant join with my user
Maybe it's a network thing
he's using login security
cracked players can join with loginsecurity if I joined before
I could fix it!
What did you do @ghbi
I changed the external ip to 0 on port forwarding and it worked