Placeholder API animations for my tab plugin
Hi y'all. I can't figure out how to get the placeholder animations to work. Does anyone know how to place them properly in the config file? Idk if I'm reading the placeholderAPI documentation wrong or what. Like for example let's say I have some text I want to add a gradient to from red to blue. The placeholder docs say to use this:
<fade from=#FF0000 to=#0000FF>Fade from red to blue</fade>
So what exactly do I place in my config for the tablist? Let's say I want to animate the text: Server Name
How would I place the words "server name" and the animation within the line in the config file? Thanks.
14 Replies
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Requested by connor1bane1#0
well for starters… what’s your tab plugin?
I know it's kinda whack but TAB was wrecking my console with warnings and I couldn't figure out how to fix it
so I'm going with this for now
you’ll want to look at those docs for your animation setup..
is this it?☆-simple-tablist-☆《1-17-x-1-20-x》-animated-hex-colors.101989/
SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft
☆ Simple TabList ☆《1.17.x - 1.20.x》- Animated - Hex colors
weird.. do you have compatible versions of everything?
yes that is the plugin I use
As far as I know. I tried to seek support from shockbyte. Maybe you can take a look at the log. One sec.
that's just a little snapshot of it
the full log I tried to upload kept crashing
can you give me a littttle bit more
preferably a full startup log^ lol
I will try it tomorrow sorry I shouldn’t have asked this question so late at night lol
haha no worries
Shockbyte bad simpletablist bad
I know this already.