Created by snowznz.bak on 7/21/2023 in #questions
Plugins review
Any plugins here that are redundant or could be replaced with something better? AntiPopup, BlueSlimeCore, Chunky, CombatLogX, CommandWhitelist, DecentHolograms, EpicGuard, Essentials, LPC, LuckPerms, Maintenance, MiniMOTD, PlaceholderAPI, PlugManX, ProtocolLib, SolarCore, spark, TAB, Vault, ViaVersion, Vulcan, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, ZNPCsPlus
12 replies
Created by snowznz.bak on 6/28/2023 in #questions
Best anti-vpn/proxy plugin for 1.20.1
I've been using this* for a while but want to know what else is out there that others recommend. *
5 replies