Plugins review
Any plugins here that are redundant or could be replaced with something better?
AntiPopup, BlueSlimeCore, Chunky, CombatLogX, CommandWhitelist, DecentHolograms, EpicGuard, Essentials, LPC, LuckPerms, Maintenance, MiniMOTD, PlaceholderAPI, PlugManX, ProtocolLib, SolarCore, spark, TAB, Vault, ViaVersion, Vulcan, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, ZNPCsPlus
8 Replies
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Requested by eqzy#0
shoudlnt be used on production
freedomchat should work better than antipopup
For developing our plugins (SolarCore and SolarPvP which isnt on the list)
chunky after pregenning is pretty useless, but doesnt affect much
adding worldtickspreader could improve ur worldedit speed while still being stable
I'm running 1.19.4
probably doesnt use nms
so it doesnt matter