How to connect my external Bungeecord server to Minehut.
I have a network server and I want to connect it to minehut. I have bought their external server plan of 800 credits.
I believe I have set things up but when trying to connect it says the server is not authenticated with
This is not client side as I have tested with other people and have restarted my game.
Does anyone know anything about this.
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Requested by stagprince#0
u cant direct connect after u setup minehut
u need to join through minehut
yes I did
i did the /join
and server name
is it becuase I have a bungeecord server?
do they not allow that?
bungeecord or waterfall?
because no, bungeecord is not supported
(they even said say it in the docs)
did u setup the startup flags?
properly not
what are the flags?
Super League on Notion
Minehut External Servers Docs
The Minehut External Servers Docs provides a step-by-step guide on how to connect a Minecraft server to the Minehut network.
but does it work with waterfall?
although i recommend velocity
Ill follow this guide
Hate to jump in, but does Paper/Purpur work with connecting to Minehut too?
but direct connections dont work
atleast the last 2 times i checked
my usual setup is dual proxies (velocity or waterfall), one for minehut connections, and one for direct
gives better ping and connections for people direct connecting
do I need to add the flags to the backend servers too?
or just the proxy
only proxy
I added it to my proxy and it still gave the same error

you read the docs wrong...
the flags should go before -jar
I see
It worked. Thanks a lot @ProGamingDK !
If I want to set up Velocity for Minehut while players can still join via the normal IP, how many servers will I need?
Do I need a velocity server at the lowest specs and my current SMP as usual?
for the best experience
u can do it without any tho
its just gonna be wrose
I'd want players to be able to both join via Minehut and normal, as Minehut is frequently down these days.
for that u would need 2
u can do it without any but then ur stuck with their shitty uptime and network
The specs for the Velocity does not matter, right?
well give them like 500-1 gig of memory and 25-50% of a thread each
should be fine
I'm assuming the cheapest plan of EnviroMC should be able to cover that
Thank you so much, you're amazing.
Mind if I return in a few days when I start setting this up? Just having a very vague idea with how Velocity works.
i have done this setup for 2-3 different clients
so not my first time
wait so how do I allow people to connect with the minehut ip and my normal ip. Minehut seemed to have blocked the normal one. is that because im using waterfall? or is there a setting I missed?
im sorry im not the person who knows this stuff lol, i'm just about to learn about it. I'm pretty sure people suggest Velo over Waterfall too
ok thanks!
U either deal with unstable connection and uptime issues from minehut or u do a double proxy setuo
(the first only works if u own a domain)
I'm starting to work on hooking my server to Minehut now.
Is it possible to use the latest version of Velocity and still be able to connect that to my 1.19.3 server?
Velocity is mostly not version depending
Like how waterfall is
I'm just waiting for Nerd to give me perms to change the startup para atm
I am able to change the startup command now, before I change the startup command, how do I connect the proxy to my server?
And what are the weird things about keeping online-mode to false in a lot of cases? I'm kinda stuck at this part.
for all proxies u need to set backends to offline-mode
the proxy will handle authentication so your server will still be online-mode
(do remember to setup modern forwarding tho)
does setup modern forwarding have anything other than putting the "forwarding method" thing to modern?
well yes u have to put the forwarding key into each of your backends paper-global.yml config
under the velocity section
^ please dont share it.
ok i will, it will be a secret between all of us ;)
Okay, so because I only have my SMP and the proxy, does that mean the proxy only has 1 server in it?
i'll just do something like
smp = {ip} ?
then set priority to smp only
where is the priority? is it the "try" thing?
set try to smp
is it normal that my velocity just turns off immediately when i turn it on (I haven't finished the configuration)
well yes
if u havent finished
after I finish it, players will only be able to join via the proxy's IP (I haven't hooked the server to minehut yet) ?
my proxy keeps closing itself even though I finished all the config
a - Pastebin is a website where you can store code/text online for a set period of time and share to anybody on earth
please us
sophos is kinda blocking it


i just installed it as my parents has it
dw i disable everything fro mit
from it
this was just a funny case
of me enabling it to see what it would call pastebin
so there was a setting I missed..
where is this player forwarding again?
u sure u saved the config?
that would be the "modern" part
it is currently modern
and saved
Apparently, the Velocity server doesn't seem to save logs when it's crashing so quickly
my latest.log is 13 hours ago .-.
@ProGamingDK sorry for ping, but i literally can't get the crash logs
send console logs again?
because it seems like it didnt save file
container@pterodactyl~ -Duser.timezone=UTC
/ line 49: eval: -D: invalid option
it doesnt even get to the server
it fails at java
u placed it in the wrong side of -jar probably
startup command is the problem?
I can just get Aikar's flags and it should work, correct?
well you have 1 single flag thats causing the crash
I got the velocity running now, thank you. Now, it does not seem to be connected to the original server as I'm unable to join through the velocity IP
"No further information" is what I'm receiving
did u add minehut flags?
and please
send logs
of backend and proxy
I did not add minehut flags, I just added normal flags
This one is proxy
client logs
show client error
This one is backend
[20:19:33] [Server thread/INFO]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@31801078[id=<null>,name=LanderYT,properties={},legacy=false] (/...:47937) lost connection: Disconnected
[20:19:44] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/INFO]: Disconnecting com.mojang.auth
seems like u tried joining the backend
What I get when I join the proxy

looks like firewall
are u sure port is set correctly
that's what something i'm suspecting just now too
bind = ""
Could this be a problem?
that is indeed the issue.
What should bind be set to?
well the proxy port
so it's

proxy doesnt see the login request
What do I have to do?
well it shouldnt have this issue
that sucks
Is there any solution to this issue? I've double checked everything and saw nothing out of the ordinary
ask ur host
Could i send my velocity config and my paper config (without revealing secret) here so y'all could help me double check if I did anything wrong?
Good news, I managed to hook the server to Minehut, but I cannot join the server via direct proxy.
so u have 2 velocity proxies connected to the backend right?
Proxy as in 2 velocity servers?
so i'll need 2 seperate velocity servers connected to my SMP backend
1 for minehut, 1 for direct connections
so for both, i need haproxy enabled, or just for the minehut one?
(the minehut one)
got it, i'll open another proxy server now
what about forwarding secret? i would have 2 different secrets, how would i be able to put in the backend?
no u can set what forwarding secret the proxy use
just copy and paste 1 into each forwarding-secret file
ohh, so I can set whatever I want
@ProGamingDK it worked amazingly. It's been a long weekend, thank you so much.
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