I have made a server that me and my friends wanted to play on and my brother messed up something.
and now its showing this error and I don't know what to do.
here are the logs: https://mclo.gs/tOJaWYu
I have also checked the logs and didn't see anything wrong with players joining. (I'm not so good at seeing stuff on logs but I do know if something went wrong)
I have also put a screenshot of the error
There are also a lot of mods in it so I hope u dont mind 😅
315 Replies
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Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
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Requested by elite_x#0
[25Aug2023 15:48:21.684] [IO-Worker-37/WARN] [net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.storage.RegionFile/]: Saving oversized chunk [0, 0] (3658804 bytes} to external file .\world\DIM1\entities\c.0.0.mcc
open your world in mcaselector, find that chunk (your spawn chunk) and delete the oversized entities or the delete the entire chunk.
if I do that will my problem be solved??
and how do i use mcaselector? i have never heard of it
A problem will be solved. Idk if it is the problem.
ok then but i have never used mcaselector through and I don't know what it is
and also will it work if i change the seed of the world?
it doesn't i just checked
@Discount Milk i have installed the app can u tell me how it works?
yo which one these do i select in the world folder?
and also btw do i modify the world of the server or one of the ones that i make in minecraft?
Those logs came from your server, right?
they are from my server
in the navigation on wiki it said to click on file then open world but after that i dont get what to open and the once it saying are empty folders
and also this has been happening since i had installed the mods and no one was able to join the server cuz this error was coming
so there are no loaded chunks i think thats the reason the foldersrs are empty
hello? u there?
You can’t expect someone to always be available to answer your questions, people have lives
i know i was just asking
Also that’s not how mcaselector works you don’t open files within your world folder you use mcaselector to open up the world folder itself
i did
the the folders were empty
That screenshot you sent is just your world folder open in file explorer
What… I can clearly see a world directory with files in it in that screenshot
is this ok now?
Again, that’s not how mcaselector works
then how??
Download your world folder from your server directory onto your disk
Open mcaselector
Open your world folder with mcaselector. The entire world folder. Stop fucking about in file explorer
bruh i clicked file and then new world folder that that stuff came up
Read the guide leche linked you.
i did and it said to see the folder regions and that folder is empty
Are you absolutely sure you’ve downloaded the world folder that your server uses? Looks to me like you’re just opening up a random single player world
No as in you’re not sure?
tbh it is a forge server, they couldve got moved around
but u know what let me check again then
That’s what I’m starting to think
Wasn’t sure if force makes worlds look like a single player world
at this point anything is possible
Cuz normally it would be like world, world_nether, and world_the_end and you could open up each one in mcaselector
That's in paper based servers.
So in that case
here its still the same
This is a screen shot of the entire world folder, you'll need to go up one level and select the world folder itself.
That’s what I’ve been trying to say
is this ok?
Im thinking you’re going too deep and not opening the world folder itself in mcaselector
In vanilla/modded servers you would see world, and inside world you would have DIM1 and DIM-1, for the end and nether respectively.
With mcaselector you can open the entire folder called “world”
Single click world, and hit select folder.
can you post your client log?
Don’t open the folder itself to go deeper in the directory
yes i do have those folders
yes i can i i did open the folder from it
What I said wasn't directed to you, that's why I quoted somebody else. It was just explaining the world folder structure.
where do i see that?
in your .minecraft folder
whereever your client's files are located
easiest way to find them is to have the game open, go to resource packs and click open resource pack folder
the latest logs?
specifically one that contains the logs of when you attempted to join the server
i couldn't find it so i just tried to join server and then i just sent you the latest log
Have you figured out how to do what leche and I said
to open it from that app?
do what?
i did this
Now draw the rest of the owl :FrogeBIGEYES:
So now you have the world open in mcaselector?
Just delete the chunk…
and im seeing this
Says it’s at dim1 0,0 which is in the end
so do i open that folder?
Im gonna have to try doing this to a single player world when I get home since forge sets it up that way. If you can’t figure it out by then I’ll be home at 5:30 est
thats 3 am for me bruh
Yeah but I can walk you through it and you can read my steps when you wake up
That’s if you can’t figure it out and no one else responds
ok then so there is nothing wrong with the overworld chunks?
According to your logs the oversized chunk is in the end
ok let me see that then
btw which one of these is the end?
yo i checked both of them and its saying that an error occurred and that there are no dimensions in that folder
cuz the end and nether were never accessed cuz no can even join the server
I'm pretty sure your issue is originally from a mod mismatch.
Stop the server
Rename your world folder to world.old
Rename your mods folder to mods.old
Start the server
Load a forge client without mods, try to join.
Let me know if you can join.
before i had mods i was able to join the server but only after mods this issue is coming
Okay that usually means the server and client mods aren't matched up properly.
Or you added in/removed content modifying mods that needs something or left something in user data or world data.
then 1 sec ill check again
Do what I said here.
ok then
yo i did it and i joined the server
without mods
Alright, so what I said is likely true. Verify your mods on the server match what you have on the client. Sans client/server only mods.
is there a program or site that does that?
No. Gotta do it manually.
i was hoping that there would be one dammit! ok then like do I just see if there is a mods that shouldn't be there or like removing all mods and reinstalling them? manually?
Tagging me, deleting the message, and tagging me again with the same message is going to do nothing but frustrate me. :(
lmao i meant to tag u first but i didn't so i just did that
complains about the amount of tags
tags again
sorry if it bothered u 😅
just answer this if when u can and tell me lol i didnt mean to bother u 😅
I'm honestly not sure what you're trying to ask.
like im asking what i should look for like clint side mod or some other mods that should not be there or just reinstall the the mods manully?
How to Compare the Contents of Two Folders and Synchronize them
Traditionally, Windows users have employed XCOPY or SyncToy to mirror copy a certain directory to a different location. If you're using Microsoft SyncToy, especially on Windows 10 or 11, it'
what is this?
create a .sh file, edit it with notepad, paste in the code, replace the folder one with the path to your client mod folder, then replace folder2 with the path to the server's mod folder and run the script, it should then show you the differences
a way to see whats different between your client side and server side mods folder
tho if you have the server side mod folder on an external server like a host then just download the mods folder to your pc
i assumed you are using windows for your pc
ohh damm thx but if u dont mind is there a video on how to do this?
ive just explained exactly what to do
yes im hosting from my pc
ok then
yo i did everything it said and the method worked but i triple checked all the mods with this and manually and nothing was wrong all mods were correct but the problem was still coming so im thinking why dont i just test the server with 5 mods at a time? like join the server with 5 mods and if it lets me join then ill add another 5 mods. do u this will work?
itll probably work
yeah i split all the mods into 2 folders and 1 half of it was working and the other half was not ill update yll if it works
well just keep doing your binary search till you figure out which one it is
yeah it gonna take a while
you couldve done half, then after a quarter, and 8th, etc till you find the mod
oh yeah ill do that too then lol
you disable half, check if you can connect, if so you do the other half, if not you do the current half, repeat
Binary search your plugins
Remove half of your non-essential (ie not things like PAPI or LuckPerm) plugins and see if the problem is fixed.
If it still persists, the cause is in the half still installed.
Continue to halve the remaining plugins until you've narrowed it down to a single plugin.
Congratulations, you found the culprit.
Admincraft Canned Responses
yeah but the problem is that some mods depend on other mods so thats why it gonna be hard to find the culprit
yo sorry for the wait but i finally fixed the issue it was a mod called 'roost ultimate' and after that i was able to play with one of friends on the server(to see if it works correctly) but it is crashing randomly crashing now but there is no high pressure on the server it was just randomly crashing at 30-40 mins the last 3 times I'm using crafty controller server control panel
here are the logs
Got a broken entity
time to open up the entity data with nbtexplorer and delete the entity
how do i do that can that is nbtexplorer?
and how do i know which entity to remove?
it might show in the crash report
ok 1 sec
here is the crash report that happened literally 10 mins ago
i was testing some stuff on server thinking the crashing problem was just a fluke but literally 3 mins later it crashed on me again -_-
send full logs aswell
here is the log of that crash report https://mclo.gs/x2bcuZi
i did lol
this log also has the same error
[02Sep2023 22:38:17.990] [Server Watchdog/ERROR] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.ServerWatchdog/FATAL]: A single server tick took 60.00 seconds (should be max 0.05)
[02Sep2023 22:38:17.990] [Server Watchdog/ERROR] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.ServerWatchdog/FATAL]: Considering it to be crashed, server will forcibly shutdown.
[02Sep2023 22:38:18.466] [Server Watchdog/FATAL] [net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeMod/]: Preparing crash report with UUID 1f1f8784-9daf-48e7-a5d0-5d0339454b7b
[02Sep2023 22:38:18.821] [Server Watchdog/FATAL] [net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeMod/]: Preparing crash report with UUID eb3893a9-2624-430d-9fd6-e310ab2ae95d
[02Sep2023 22:38:18.822] [Server Watchdog/ERROR] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.ServerWatchdog/]: This crash report has been saved to: D:\crafty-win64-_6421d4f2\servers\06a84832-5552-4923-bbc5-0e826988efa7.\crash-reports\crash-2023-09-02_22.38.18-server.txt
one of your mods is clientsided only
remove mtmechs
that looks like a corrupt villager, would be nice if it showed which one it was
mtmechs is a mod that add mech robot to the game its not client side tho
so do i reinstall it?
whoever coded it made some of it not compatible with servers
not the issue here but just a fyi
hmm ok will reinstalling help or do i have to uninsall it completely?
is the jar was corrupted then a reinstall would help, but since its a problem with the actual mod as a whole rather then just the jar itself then a reinstall would be pointless
ig just remove entirely
damm it was a cool mod but ok ill install it later if it get any updates later on in like 6-8 months
so is there anything else i have to do?
do i have to install that entity removing program now or am i good to go?
crash report: https://mclo.gs/1jcMY9f
logs: https://mclo.gs/Iu833gp
the server crashed again
hello? can anyone tell me what to do here?
which entity do i remove in the program??
I've never seen a server generate 3 different crash reports from one crash. That's a new one.
bruh ofc it is my day is jest getting worse and worse'
The first one is the one that'll actually tell you what happened though. The last two are from watchdogs. (Server took longer than 60 seconds)
but what do i do tho?
You'll have to look at the first crash report,
[03Sep2023 00:07:24.622] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: This crash report has been saved to: D:\crafty-_win64_-_6421d4f2\servers\06a84832-5552-4923-bbc5-0e826988efa7\.\crash-reports\crash-2023-09-03_00.07.24-server.txt
, to get more information on the crash. Find whatever broken villager is in that crash report, open the world in nbtexplorer, and yeet it from existence.bruh but how do i do it idk how to find it or how to use it
well i don't really see where you've "tried" to do it
no no like how do i identify it
Ok I'll try it then I'll let you know
here is the crash report
if the site says that its the problem lol
it says
Remove the entity 'Villager' at the location -160.47, 83, -464.42.
what is that location thing?
That's it's coordinate location
like in game?
or file location?
which of these files do i open? in this program?
You open the world
in NBT explorer, find that villager in the world, delete the villagerWell villagers are entities
is it in entitles?
all of them are like this
what does this mean?
those are the chunks
Those are the region files (blocks of chunks). Inside those are entities for each region.
ohh yeah i just have to open the chunk in the location when the server is showing
each file found in the entities folder is a region file of 32x32 chunks
Entity's Exact location: -160.47, 83.00, -464.42
find the region file that goes to that location, open it up. Delete the villager.ok
Use a chunk calculator to find the region file
Entity's Block location: World: (-161,83,-465), Section: (at 15,3,15 in -11,5,-30; chunk contains blocks -176,-64,-480 to -161,319,-465), Region: (-1,-1; contains chunks -32,-32 to -1,-1, blocks -512,-64,-512 to -1,319,-1)
what is that now
Google is your friend
so itll be region -1 -1, chunk -11 -30 section 5
ok 🥲
you would find the chunk that says in world at -11 -30
should it say that after chunk or after "in world at"
i did just say in world at
ohh shit my bad
I think I found it is this the one?
open entities and check the pos
if it is the same then yeah its that one
(ik theres only one option, just make sure anyways)
this is it right?
do those values sync up
look at this
expand it
ok 1 sec
it says this
Entity's Exact location: -160.47, 83.00, -464.42
yeah thats the one
delete the entry of that entity
just delete the one labed 43 entries
then save
the first one right just to confirm?
just delete the first one just to conferm again
cuz i dont wanna mess something up
i deleted it
thats it right?
do i have to do anything else?
like this whole folder???
ohh shit ok
the folder contains everything relating to that entity
ok then
is there anything else?
that i have to do?
put it back
and restart
press ctrl + s
to save it
save your changes
huh? what do u mean put it nack?
then start the server, should stop complaining about it
ohh ok then
or this
yes i did so do i just close it now?
if its saved then yes
ok i just saved and closed it ill update you guys if it does anything and if it doesn't for 2 days ill tell you all and close the thread.
thx for all for the help btw i cant thank yall enough lol
u guys are life savers 😂
the server crashed again guys
crash report: https://mclo.gs/T7Gstqo
logs : https://mclo.gs/sT2Y5qI
If you're sending a crash log and it says as the cause, stop, close the tab, reevaluate your life choices, and then find another log to send.
You have another broken villager. Repeat the song and dance from above
so do u want me to send another log?
so do i ope that program again?
One of your mods are breaking villagers
For some reason
then what should i do?
As for now remove the entity the crash log is reporting
And search for the mod that could be crashing the game
there are alot of mods its not ganna be easy to find or identify it
You repeat the same thing you did yesterday.
like the deleting the same folder?
Find the villager, delete it.
do i delele that entitles file?
If you think that's exactly what you did yesterday, sure.
It's not.
ok then which one then?
this one?
This is why I don't spoon feed people answers like that. They don't pay attention to the process that went behind fixing it the first time.
sorry bout that my bad
Find the villager that caused this in a different one of your crash reports.
It will list the coords of the villager.
Paste those coords into a region calculator.
Find the villager in that region.
Delete the villager.
ok i will try that now
yo sorry i send the wrong crash report to u my bad
May I know what mod adds the fisherman
1 sec ill see
If you have mods that change how villagers work or add new villagers maybe remove it (with a world copy obviously)
I don't need this, you already know what to do :FrogeBIGEYES:
yes i sent it just incase
yo i just found it its a mod called Villager Workers
i have Villager 4 mods
4 villager mods?
One of them def is breaking
1. easy villagers
I'd remove the one that adds fisherman
And tell the dev
About that
2. villager worker
3. more villagers
4. guard villagers
does reinstalling help?
damm ok
If you remove the mod and add it again, that villager issue won't be fixed
You need to reach out to whoever maintains the mod
this is the mod page on curseforge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/workers
Join their disc server
Their issues window links to it
If you're gonna report the issue do it in a support channel assuming they have one
so do i just remove the mods and the problem will be fixed or do i still have to delete that entity?
I'm unsure. It should just remove the entity but make a world backup
with or without the mod?
World and backups as it is
Backups are restoring points, they're done before doing any big changes
ok then
You still need to delete the entity. Make sure the entity you're deleting actually came from the mod you're having problems with.
how do i make sure that its coming from that mod?
Uh if you need to check that
Make a new world
And look from the inv
There will likely be data in the broken villager that points to the mod that generated it.
shouldn't i just remove the entity first?
That's the bestest option
He means in the NBT editor
Damn it I didn't knew that
which of theses folder is it in?
Step 3.
yes but which one?
If you ACTUALLY do step 3, it'll tell you what chunk.
is it even in -1 -1
Could help
ok let me see this
It'll tell you if you do step 3
it is saying it is that folder
It also tells you what chunk :)
Such a handy tool
fuck yeah it is lol
only the x and z are the numbers i have to look for right?
which one of these is it?
What's the position?
-219.55, 81, -421.44
This tells you which one.
It's x, z
Being as one of these doesn't have the right numbers 👀
should it say that after chunk or after "in at world"
In world at
then its this right?
One of the entities at that chunk
there are 2 of the which one do i delete
Click the little + button until something sticks out to you :FrogeBIGEYES:
yo both say minecraft fishman in villager data
do delete both?
You should be able to find the exact location of both and find the right one to delete (:
these coordinates?
is it this?
the other one does not have coordinates
ohh shit i think i found it
this one matches with the cordnates perfectly so do i delete this one?
ok so im deleting this one then
i deleted it and clicked on save do i close the program now?
or is there anyrhing else i have to do?
now its a pattern, you have a mod thats modifying villagers and breaking them at the same time
imma guess that its either guardvillagers, morevillagers, or easyvillagers
looks like easy villagers lets you pick them up, so id guess that as a first one
yeah the server crashed again but it was a different mod it was the more villagers mod (only villager mods are causing this issue like you said) i removed the entity from the program like you guys said yesterday (i learned how to do it on my own now lol) and after that the server is working again now but i do wonder if reinstalling or updating the mods would work?
reinstalling wont do anything
updating should be done anyways?
yes they are all on the latest version's
you could check the mods changelogs
if they fixed the issue
else no it probably wont fix it
ok then 1 sec
nope nothing even mentioned about this in the change logs
so what do i do then? do i remove to mods now?
Report the issue to the developer of the mod that's causing the problem?
ok then
i probably dont have to say this but ill say this anyway just in case my server has been running smoothly for a few days now without removeing the villager mods so if the problem occers again ill just remove the entity and remove the mod which caused the crash. so should i just close the thread now?
ok then
post closed!
The post/thread has been closed!
Requested by elite_x#0