How can i fix this? ( luckperms problem idk )
My friend with co-owner rank is the lowest in the tab , and yes i gave the rank a weight
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Requested by m1nxzy#0
also idk why but achievments keeps showing in the chat , even tho i have disable it in the essentials config
are you using tab as the tab plugin
you need to add co-owner into the tab sorting list
something like this
you should find this bit in the config.yml
also your group weight is backwards. higher number is higher on the list.
okay ty
i js did that and he is still the lowest
in the tab
Can you show your config?
the tab config?
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Requested by m1nxzy
co-owner isn't there
oh there
still doesn't work
This group was never applied
Also did you reload tab/restart after changing tab config
thats a game rule
/gamerule announceAdvancements
why not just make the weight of the coowner luckperms group to be higher
just do
type shi
yea ofc
i just did and still doesn't work
now its all broken
Show config
And send a unauthenticated lp editor link here
i js did that and it still shows advancments
LuckPerms - A permissions plugin for Minecraft servers.
LuckPerms is a permissions plugin for Minecraft servers. It allows server admins to control what features players can use by creating groups and assigning permissions.
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Requested by m1nxzy
well you gotta put either true or false afterwardsd
i did
you gotta do it in every world
do you have the luckperms placeholderapi expansion installedd?
ehh idk
how can i check?
/papi ecloud download luckperms
it worked , thanks ❤️