Admincraftโ€ข3mo ago

Mythicmobs and Regular mobs have lost the ability to attack and sense players...

https://mclo.gs/08RCfT4 <- Latest Logs + Picture of me and a zombie staring eachother down. I genuinely dont know whats going on, mobs all just lost the ability to attack players.
Purpur 1.21.1 Server Log [#08RCfT4]
530 lines | 1 error
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32 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Metaโ€ข3mo ago
Thanks for asking your question!
Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
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Requested by casseyvalley#0
For anyone else reading this, I highly suspect this is not from MythicMobs itself rather Multiverse If there's someone that knows how to use Multiverse
ValoryOPโ€ข3mo ago
Ty โค๏ธ vsselenia: ==: MVWorld hidden: 'false' alias: '' color: WHITE style: NORMAL pvp: 'true' scale: '1.0' respawnWorld: '' allowWeather: 'true' difficulty: HARD spawning: ==: MVSpawnSettings animals: ==: MVSpawnSubSettings spawn: 'true' spawnrate: '-1' exceptions: [] monsters: ==: MVSpawnSubSettings spawn: 'true' spawnrate: '-1' exceptions: [] entryfee: ==: MVEntryFee amount: '0.0' hunger: 'true' autoHeal: 'true' adjustSpawn: 'true' portalForm: ALL gameMode: SURVIVAL keepSpawnInMemory: 'true' spawnLocation: ==: MVSpawnLocation x: 0.0 y: -60.0 z: 0.0 pitch: 0.0 yaw: 0.0 autoLoad: 'true' bedRespawn: 'true' worldBlacklist: [] environment: NORMAL seed: '-5609640615624661698' generator: 'null' playerLimit: '-1' allowFlight: 'true' this is my config for my world where the mobs cant attack me, see anything wrong? @duolingo se acerca
Hey, I haven't used Multiverse in years ๐Ÿ˜… I made that note so people that read your post know that the issue is probably in Multiverse, so someone who still uses it can help Btw, other candidates if multiverse is not at fault could be SupremeBosses or that Parry one which I haven't seen before But I'm pretty sure it's not MythicMobs fault Try doing a binary search if it helps !binary
Carl-botโ€ข3mo ago
Binary search your plugins
Remove half of your non-essential (ie not things like PAPI or LuckPerm) plugins and see if the problem is fixed. If it still persists, the cause is in the half still installed. Continue to halve the remaining plugins until you've narrowed it down to a single plugin. Congratulations, you found the culprit.
From An unknown user
Admincraft Canned Responses
ValoryOPโ€ข3mo ago
already did one, and no no othern plugins seem to be the cause of it parry only allows you to right click to evade damage also @duolingo se acerca it IS a problem with mythic.
ValoryOPโ€ข3mo ago
This is a mythic dungeon (no OTHER plugins besides auraskills, mythic, model engine, mythlib and md are present.
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ValoryOPโ€ข3mo ago
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Does this happen on the main world as well? Try removing auraskills and mythiclib I also use Meg, MMobs and MD, didn't have any problems so far
ValoryOPโ€ข3mo ago
Mythiclib is a dependency for mythic plugins And yes it happens on the main world aswell
ValoryOPโ€ข3mo ago
oh wait im thinking bout mmocore but no its stil the same and yes i am restarting my server
ValoryOPโ€ข3mo ago
Did you edited the config files inside MythicMobs/config or the server config files? Like bukkit.yml, spigot.yml, config/paper-global.yml... up to purpur I have two ideas: 1. Trying with the latest dev builds instead (not sure if they fixed those not working on 1.21.1 anymore) 2. Install a new purpur/pufferfish server and move the plugins there
ValoryOPโ€ข2mo ago
Done and has the same issues Besides max health no
ValoryOPโ€ข2mo ago
Already did Still waiting ๐Ÿ˜ญ
ValoryOPโ€ข2mo ago
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Link your discord to their website, so you get your verified roles and ask in the premium channels
No description
The discord itself is mostly community-driven, but premium channels do have some priority
ValoryOPโ€ข2mo ago
Oh awesome
I just noticed Are you using the premium versions or the free ones? Just found out those have free versions I knew about MythicMobs, not about MEG or MDungeons
ValoryOPโ€ข2mo ago
Premium Only premium
Then I'm not sure what could it be, I'm also using the premium ones to try and re-create the error Probably only the mythic devs can solve that
ValoryOPโ€ข2mo ago
They are blaming plugins I donโ€™t use So yeah No
ValoryOPโ€ข2mo ago
It was the problem with a version of mm I was on Surprised NO ONE would tell me that
I mentioned trying the dev builds As for the others, idk, I do agree support is almost non existent in the regular support chat In the premium one is weird they didnโ€™t gave a solution, thereโ€™s less messages which gives more chance for people to read your issue
ValoryOPโ€ข2mo ago
Iโ€™m using a REALLY old dev build I think itโ€™s 1.20.4 Iโ€™m using for a 1.21.1 server
Something similar happened to me a while ago with tool durability But I couldn't update dev builds because the last ones at that time were broken Still, good to hear you managed to solve that issue :very_nice:
ValoryOPโ€ข2mo ago

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