Needing help w/1.16.5 forge server
Hello all! I've ran several shared minecraft servers but this one is driving me nuts. This is on a Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS. When we connect via the windows java launcher without any mods, it works just fine using the forge 1.16.5 launcher. When we connect with the Mine Mine No Me mod (One Piece anime mod), it crashes after one minute with this message and will fail to launch every time after with the same. I've tried googling it but since I cant access the source code for the mod, Im stuck. Thoughts?

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Requested by an80spwnstar#0
That error usually shows a mod mismatch
this is where we get it from:
Gotta make sure the mods are also loading on the server.
i think i need to do that
do I just create a folder called mods in the folder and put the .jar file there?
Did you install forge server?
i downloaded the forge .jar and ran it with this: java -jar forge-x.xx.x-installer.jar --installServer
that then generates the minecraft server .jar file.
and then I run that with the nogui command
server starts just fine. but i think you're onto something with the mod needing to be on the server. where do I put it?
if u did it correctly
there should be a mods folder
there isn't
do i need to do any mods entry in the file?
What server jar are you running?
I didn't ask version lol
Silly goose
i just added that mods folder with the mod in it

ur running hte non forge one
non forge one*
when i ran the forge installer.jar, it downloaded that minecraft server jar.
the one ur hovering over rn is for vanilla minecraft
do i need to download another one?
i followed a walkthrou.; i've only ever ran paper servers. this is my first forge server
best way usually is install everything on ur own pc then move every file over
dangit, i think i missed that launcher that was created
if this is it, y'alls are awesome!
hasn't crashed yet 🤞
Gents, I think we have it!!!!!!