Admincraft•2mo ago

TPS issues on higher playercounts

Hiya, My server has grown a bit recently and i'm noticing TPS drops above around 20 players. I know that i should decrease the view/sim distance which i've now done - is anybody able to point something else out that might be good for me to change to increase performance after looking at the servers spark report? I managed to catch TPS drops down to 15. Spark report: https://spark.lucko.me/6UiJ7CVPBN
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
16 Replies
MrMcyeet•2mo ago
Paper Chan hideout
Paper chan's Little Guide to Minecraft Server Optimization!
The most complete Minecraft server optimization guide with everything you need to know about running a Paper Minecraft server plus Paper Chan!
MrMcyeet•2mo ago
Lot of useful little nuggets in that guide
MrMcyeet•2mo ago
Also maybe kill some chickens 😳
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MrMcyeet•2mo ago
or install something like mob farm manager to limit the number of entities/chunk
notAsquare1•2mo ago
this could also be because there are too many chunks being handled at a time. try getting every player into a single place and if that reduces lag then that is the problem. you could also try having everyone go to a single place, then you go to the place with 700 chickens (i had this exact same problem but with 1500 chickens from my friend’s chicken duper) and if it raises the tps then that is the problem
functionbtw•2mo ago
Folia, the new server software PaperMC is working on solves this problem, by assigning the chunks to multiple cores. That way with folia The more spread the players are The higher tps
ProGamingDk•2mo ago
This is uh Not what folia is At all Nor how it works
MrMcyeet•2mo ago
also trying to use folia to fix tps on a 20 player servers is kinda dumb tbh
Jay•2mo ago
Where is the TPS drop? Based on this its hovering around 18.
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notAsquare1•2mo ago
is paper better than spigot? also will it mess with my plugins if it switch?
functionbtw•2mo ago
Paper is much optimized Spigot plugins run on Paper Paper plugins might not run on Spigot Paper is based on Spigot And is a much more modern selection @notAsquare1 threads* Yeah I’m stupid, it wouldn’t be ideal for smaller servers
Skullians•2mo ago
well paper hardforked now but yes
asdfbizness•5w ago
Announcement - The future of Paper - Hard fork
After the release of the first builds for Minecraft 1.21.4, we are happy to share some even more exciting news with everyone. Following the successful rollout of our Mojang-mapped server in 1.20.5, we are taking a big next step for the project: Hard fork from our upstream Since the project's...
notAsquare1•4w ago
i have been using paper for a bit now and its quite good, chunks load almost instantly on servers they used to take 5s on + my players have noticed the reduced lag if you use paper, it will significantly decrease the tps, and if you get multithreaded chunk rendering then it is even better
ProGamingDk•4w ago
Paper increases tps over spigot which it should Tps is good
notAsquare1•4w ago
oops i meant milliseconds per tick lol

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