Created by MrMcyeet on 7/10/2023 in #questions
Mousepad recommendations?
Not Minecraft related, if that's an issue, just cope. For the last two years, I've had some cheap-o amazon mousepad, its big enough to sit my whole keyboard on. I quite like(d) it, but its falling apart now. Anyway, I don't really know anything about mousepads, and want yall's recommendations. I'm not looking for any "hYpEr CoMpEtIvE" pads, just something that's durable and looks cool. Ill link the few I'm looking at and why: I love LTT, apparently their stuff is decent enough quality, and it looks cool It's simple, cheap, and I like the whole PCMR niche that glorious fits into Looks cool, never used a suede mousepad before, so that could be neat Any thoughts or recommendations would be appreciated.
16 replies
Created by MrMcyeet on 6/21/2023 in #questions
Is using they/them pronouns disrespectful?
*Unrelated to minecraft I was having a conversation earlier, and didnt know someone's preferred pronouns and just used they/them. A third party (not the person I was talking about) took issue with me using an ambiguous pronoun, and seemed extremely offended. Typically I try to use ambiguous pronouns unless I absolutely know someone's preferred pronouns out of respect for them and their gender identity, as that seems much more respectful than potentially mis-gendering someone. So tldr; Is it disrespectful to use they/them as an ambiguous pronoun for someone, assuming they haven't expressed (or you don't know) their preferred pronouns?
16 replies