How do you make players spawn in with certain items?
With some servers you spawn in with a iron sword or pickaxe and I'm looking to do the same.
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Requested by ayodaisy#0
If you use essentials you can enable it in the config.
What exactly would I be looking for?
newbies kit section
make a kit with what you want in it
and set the kit: field to the name of the new kit
So it would be "-Iron_Sword" and then alist of the others below that?
using /createkit (name of kit)
with the items in your inv
Is there a specific delay i should put?
if you dont intend to give them permission for it afterwards then no
any delay works
it doesnt matter
So after doing "/createkit StarterKit 0" then anyone that joins the first time will be given these items?
after changing this
then yes
Is that correct?
if thats the name ingame
Okay, thank you. I don't have anyone right now to test it out so I'll crfeate a new thread if it doesn't work.
just reply back here