hey guys what are some good chat formatting plugins that are upto date
version 1.20.4 , purpur
11 Replies
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Requested by dumbobiscuts#0
i like luckpermschat
lpc. simplistic, supports group formats and placeholderapi and doesnt have a bunch of bulky bs that some other chat formatting plugins have
sucks they dont have on hover functionaility
ChatControl Red is a great plugin if you're willing to spend $10 on builtbybit and spend hours configuring it, but it's worth it. If you want something simple, use LPC like mentioned above
EssentialsChat just finally updated to support mini message format … but it’s still super scuffed. After they fixes the bugs then maybe another 6 more years they’ll finally add placeholderapi support, then we can recommend it 🙂
no longer updated 😿
Any premade configs you would recommend for it? Looks like a good plugin but spending hours sounds like pain
I’ll sell ya mine for $7.99 😄
Works cross server and I made a bunch of rules and commands and stuff, timed messages, cross server chat, etc. you’d just have to edit the messages
Not aware of any premade configs for it, may be able to buy some on BbB but they’re probably shit
Hell i'm down
Great! I'll have a version for you ready here soon, I'll tweak the messages so you know what to change for your setup.
I'm also very willing to offer any support needed and explain my decisions.
I'll dm you, and no pressure if you change your mind
No rush, I gotta go buy CCR first 👀
Thanks for the support :minecraftheart: