•Created by djarda2 on 1/23/2025 in #questions
plugin that sends thank you for installing my plugin every 10 minutes and gives dirt
[12:19:31 INFO]: [Essentials] CONSOLE issued server command: /give @a dirt
[12:19:31 INFO]: [Essentials] CONSOLE issued server command: /msg @a Thank you for installing my Plugin 🙂
there is one annoying plugin doing this in my server every 10 min. what is it?
[12:20:50 INFO]: - AdvancedEnchantments, AdvancedPortals, ajLeaderboards, AntiCheatAddition, AntiCombatLog, *AntiWorldDownloader, AutomaticBroadcast, AutoPickup, AxMinions, BattlePass
[12:20:50 INFO]: BetterHud, BlockParticles, BlueSlimeCore, ChestPreview, Citizens, ClearChat, CMILib, CoinsEngine, CommandWhitelist, CrazyEnvoys
[12:20:50 INFO]: DecentHolograms, DeluxeMenus, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, ExcellentShop, Farmer, ForcePack, GrimAC, GSit, GunlukOdul
[12:20:50 INFO]: hearteffectremover, HsRails, IAWE, Images, InteractionVisualizer, IslandNPC, LeaderOS, LibsDisguises, LightAPI, LitLibs
[12:20:50 INFO]: LPC, LPX, LuckPerms, Matrix, MMOCore, MMOInventory, MMOItems, ModelEngine, Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-NetherPortals
[12:20:50 INFO]: MythicAnnouncer, MythicLib, nightcore, ODailyQuests, packetevents, PhatLoots, PlaceholderAPI, PlayerKits2, PlayerVaults, PlayerWarps
[12:20:50 INFO]: PlayerWarps, ProtocolLib, QuickShop-Hikari, RedstoneLimiter, RepairGui, Shopkeepers, spark, SuperiorSkyblock2, TAB, TradeSystem
[12:20:50 INFO]: Vault, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion, VotifierPlus, VotingPlugin, WolfyUtilities, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, WorldGuardExtraFlags
13 replies
•Created by djarda2 on 8/3/2024 in #questions
how can i debug the sound effect played to me
i want to make it so whenever a sound effect plays for example block.break.dirt i want it to be logged somewhere. how can i?
2 replies
•Created by djarda2 on 7/9/2024 in #questions
mysql or flatfile for performance
should i connect all plugins to mysql
2 replies
•Created by djarda2 on 7/2/2024 in #questions
which plugin causes gamemode to be changed when changing worlds
this one annoying plugin changes gamemode when changin worlds, i think its essentials. how can i disable it
2 replies
•Created by djarda2 on 6/30/2024 in #questions
how many observer would cause lag in server
one player has 10000 observer, can it cause lag
7 replies
•Created by djarda2 on 6/27/2024 in #questions
is render-distance in resource intensive even if chunks are pregenerated
is render-distance in resource intensive even if chunks are pregenerated, my survival server i use 8 but i want to do it 12. i generated chunks already
4 replies
•Created by djarda2 on 6/26/2024 in #questions
how to add a player LuckPermsVelocity permission through a servers console
is this possible that a subserver can add a luckpermsvelocity permission through console to a player?
6 replies
•Created by djarda2 on 6/25/2024 in #questions
is checking player permission resource intensive
if on every BlockBreakEvent i check permission, would it cause lag?
26 replies
•Created by djarda2 on 6/24/2024 in #questions
can redstone cause lag
is it possible redstone causes lag or the effect is small. i mean 100x100 farms with redstone/observer etc can they cause lag
56 replies
•Created by djarda2 on 6/23/2024 in #questions
how can i change votifier public key
i deleted the plugin config but and key files but it generated same key again
6 replies
•Created by djarda2 on 6/22/2024 in #questions
how i can remove all of one item from my game
i want to remove all spawners that are placed and also in inventories. How can i?
I thought onspawnmobevent if it is caused by spawner i remove that spawner. but how can i clear the spawners my players has in inventories?
14 replies
•Created by djarda2 on 6/22/2024 in #questions
are spawners laggy
is it a bad idea if a player has 100-200 spawners for performance or it doesnt impact much
6 replies
•Created by djarda2 on 6/21/2024 in #questions
protocollib high usage of thread
it uses almost 15%. how can i reduce it? it is needed by many plugins
8 replies
•Created by djarda2 on 6/14/2024 in #questions
eventpriority low vs high
for example i did eventpriority low in my plugin. then does it mean if the event is already cancelled by other plugin, then the event will count as cancelled in my plugin?
9 replies
•Created by djarda2 on 6/11/2024 in #questions
honeycomb price
what would be honeycomb price relative to other farm things like wheat? i never farmed them
8 replies
•Created by djarda2 on 4/16/2024 in #questions
how to extract end_world file from singleplayer world
i want to extract the end from my singleplayer world and put in the server. how can i?
3 replies
•Created by djarda2 on 9/26/2023 in #questions
commands.yml help
i installed auctionhouse and when players type /ah i want it to open the menu but it only works when they type /auctionhouse:ah. when i add a commands yml fix like this
- auctionhouse:ah
when players type /ah sell it still only does /auctionhouse:ah
i want it to do /auctionhouse:ah sell
10 replies