ViaVersion not replacing blocks

Normally when I used viaversion/viabackwards in the past, it would replace blocks that are in older supported versions with just a stone block or any non version dependent placeholder. Now it will try to emulate blocks after some updating. Is there some config option I can change to make it replace blocks like it did in the past? eg, grabbing Frogspawn in 1.20 will turn it into glow lichen named "1.19 Frogspawn" in version 1.17
3 Replies
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Requested by kgpatt#0
LanderYT2y ago
Are you using 1.20.1 by chance? I'm having the same issue and currently moving back to 1.20. I think it will be less of a headache, because iirc via version has not technically updated to 1.20.1 yet
KGPattOP2y ago
I'm using 1.19.4

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