EasyMC Detector
Hello everyone.
Is there any API or plugin to detect EasyMC accounts?
I currently have a raider on my server using EasyMC accounts and VPN's to get through, and they are joining through Minehut, which masks their IP address, which prevents me from doing a VPN check.
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Requested by cerial_#0
which masks their IP addressIf Minehut is masking the player's IP Then you set up the server wrong
actually it's correct, players joining through minehut get their ip masked on any minehut server
I do not think so
You set up something wrong
well its correct
minehut always masks ips
i do have a direct proxy so i can probably shut off the minehut proxy which would make the raider instead join the direct proxy
which then i can make a vpn detector
it is correct, it masks the ips
that is the dumbest shit
i've ever heard
external server requires ha-proxy being enabled
lets them do funny stuff
what do they do?
that is... extremely sketchy
mask player ips
but why?
player safety
NOTE: every player has a unique "fake" ip
ip bans still work
ofcourse not against vpn
that is extremely dumb
i have to say that
id just mute and ignore
people get a kick out of being banned, not so much when muted
they can still join on another alt
and another proxy
and yeah
yeah but they might just get bored quicker
well its a guy which got banned due to causing a lot of drama on our server and doxxing a staff member on our server
over a span of a few months he has been joining the server on alts and hacking and breaking the server's rules
theres not much you can do
antivpns even if you could use em is not perfect
Easymc is just 1 platform
gamepass keys make accounts not expensive
well this guy aint rich to buy 10 billion gamepass accounts just to get ipbanned in a second
considering those/token alts, they cost cents
i mean we shouldn't be ultimately fucked, alt shops are almost nonexistant now
not true
at alll
wait really?
ok sure altening is one
altening is expensive though
its close to a real minecraft account price
i used to work at an alt shop which sold mojang nsa accounts for 1 cent i think
and microsoft nsa for around 50 cents a pop
the altening is far from the only place
well thats the only one i know of which exists to this day
I think there are multiple automated ones via discord bots e.g.
Also Xbox Gamepass
If that still works
accounts go for cents each
like .10 per account
jeez i thought these prices didn't exist now
that's what microsoft wants you to believe
Hey, I'm a moderator on minehut, just wanted to lyk that this is correct, we hash everyone's IPs on our proxies to make sure ips arent sent to the servers, we do it in the way so that you'll always have the same hashed IP so stuff like IP bans and whatnot still work
Oh, that's cool
What's the main intention behind this though?
to prevent player servers from gaining access to user's ip address
Why would you not want a server owner to have access to a user's IP?
It's not even that important
there have been many 'schemes' over the past few years of servers setting up ways to get player's IP and then use it maliciously
minehut has a random join feature
it does cause its own harm though as anti-vpns cant work, and iirc stifflered, the owner of minehut currently, were going to be implementing that
ip logger servers would be made
How would that benefit anyone though
the people who want players ips?
yeah, a few years ago servers used the texture pack downloading feature and managed to cause harm
so that also had to be locked down
How did they prevent that?
That's very smart actually
not allowing random sources
limited the sources
only a few sources are allowed to be used as a resourcepack hsot
host* even on external servers
Yeah like game time mentioned, it's for safety, there have been people who collected people's IPs in the past and I wouldn't be surprised if there's been many instances of people dosing eachother, we want minehut to be a safe environment for everyone, so we take measures to make sure people can't gain any sort of personal info and make people feel comfortable on minehut
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