Can't connect to my server
I've been up half the night and started this morning too but I just can't seem to figure out why I can't connect to my server. I've done portforwarding. I've done the IP adding, I've whitelisted port 22 and disabled 25, 465, and 587. I have 8 GB of ram allocated (only running a simple vanilla world), I just don't know what to do
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Requested by al3x3.#0
the default minecraft port is 25565
if you haven't port forwarded that, then do
That is the port I'm using
I have port forwarded that
have you allowed it through your firewall?
Yes, lemme double check but I did
if you're using something like linux you'll have to make sure it's allowed
I'm running it on a windows
same goes for windows antivirus firewalls
Yeah I have allowed it through firewall
put your public IP through that
is your server running?
Yes it is
Thats the debug info
do you mind sending server logs through - Paste, share & analyse your Minecraft logs
Easily paste your Minecraft logs to share and analyse them.
Sure, I don't mind is this it?
I mean the logs look fine there doesn't look to be any errors
and this is what minecraft says when i try to join and in the gui of the server it doesnt say anything abt me trying to connect
well no thats not the right one this is
So what do I do?
are you able to nmap that machine on lan and confirm the port is opened?
or try joining with its lan ip to check
if it works, then your port should be opened in win firewall
Well actually i went to the subreddit and it helped some but what the problem was i didnt have my network set to private in my laptop settings and i already had set inbound rules for my port but i needed to set outbounds too
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doesnt make much sense to me
just do as I said
try connecting on lan
Im already connected is what I'm saying
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Requested by al3x3.#0