Fly gets disabled every time when changing worlds.
Everytime my players change worlds their fly gets disabled and have to type /fly again
I use essentials for fly.
These are all the plugins I use

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Requested by uekc#0
its either a multiverse permission or a essentials permission that is missing
kinda like when switching worlds and you get forced into survival
Something along the lines of forced gamemode is the setting name
This is a known bug with Essentials and has been for a long time
a client of ours got a custom flight plugin made to fix issues like this
it was a annoyance for them
I made one for myself if you'd like it @Louis_Dew , otherwise ConditionalEvents would probably fix it if you're familiar with it
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Ah bummer
send it in dms if he asks for it
Ye didnt know the rule

Side note, I recommend not using dynmap, pl3xmap or blue map are infinitely better
@Louis_Dew what is it you're hiding there :FrogeBIGEYES:
i dont see skin restorer, so probably not an offline mode server right
Skinrestorer has a proxy Mode
Not sure if it needs to be on backend aswell for it
yeah you probably shouldnt hide the name of any of the plugins when your attempting to diagnose issues that could be caused by them
And u don't "need" skinsrestorer
its like a soft dependency, you dont require it but it can add to it
It's not offline mode
The hidden plugin is AntiWorldFly, so I can disable /flt for certain worlds. I already tested if it could be caused by that plugin and it wasn't the cause of my issue. And I hid the plugin so not everyone would come at me with the answer "look if its caused by antiworldfly" or an answer like that :)
Including what troubleshooting steps you've already taken is an important step in explaining your problem online to get help. Omitting information just makes it harder for everyone.
Why wouldn't u just give fly perms in the world's u want?
yeah luckperms has contexts, which allow you to give permissions based on what world they are in, or what server they are in, or a few others aswell
tho anti world fly would be more useful if the switching worlds didnt disable fly anyways
LuckPerms - A permissions plugin for Minecraft servers.
LuckPerms is a permissions plugin for Minecraft servers. It allows server admins to control what features players can use by creating groups and assigning permissions.