Shops for secondary currency?
I am making a server, and I already have a main "shop" set up, however I have a second in-game currency, coins, and I want players to be able to spend them on crate keys. Are there any plugins that allow players to buy something with a secondary currency that can sell either crate keys or execute a command on purchase or is there a way to do it with the plugin I already have? (I am using coins engine for my currencies, and am using EconomyShopGUI for my shop)
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economyshopgui supports coinsengine
but a deluxemenu is probably your best bet
Ok cool. How do I make a shop for a seperate currency though? I've looked through the docs and it doesn't seem to say much.
thanks for the help btw
use deluxemenus
i do that aswell
Ok cool thanks so much!
You can try EcoBits with EcoShop. Both are premium but, open source plugins.
Hey I've been trying to get this working for a while, and I've had lots of trouble with it. Mainly getting the shops to actually work. When I open the shop it just shows a default shop instead of the shop I linked in the config.yml.