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Requested by itsmerioooo#0
No but are u talking about waterfall or bungeecord
My ram is always maxxing out
I have 6GB
pterodactyl will show allocated ram and not actual usage
Yeah but it says out of memory true
What are ur startup flahs
That's pterodactyl
Ur server isn't actually out of memory
It just tried to reserve more than its allowed
java -jar Server.jar
how do i fix that?
No xmx set??
Set xmx to 4 gb
Yes I'm using eggactyl
an egg
for ptero
Doesn't matter for Java flags
Just use normal waterfall egg or a generic proxy one
I think it's fixed thanks!
btw what's the recommended ram for bungee
expecting around 100-200 players daily
I have
what are the recommended specs? like amount of ram in each
is there a reason u use waterfall and not velocity+
like a specific plugin?
My server is using too much memory
My panel says my memory usage is high all the time.
Your server runs in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which has significant overhead & tries to effectively use ALL of the memory assigned to it.
Memory usage from "htop", Task Manager, or your server panel is the total consumption of the JVM, not just your server.
My server is lagging & I think it's memory related.
It's much more likely that you are bottlenecked by your CPU, disk, or some inefficient mod/plugin.
Rule of thumb, servers should have anywhere from 4GB to 12GB of memory, with 8GB being the 'sweet spot'.
If you're heavily modded, add 4GB to that.
Too much memory can be a bad thing. Don't exceed these caps unless you really know why you're doing it.
Troubleshoot your server the right way: use Spark & send us a report.
My server is randomly terminated unexpectedly.
Setting your server to use 8GB does not mean that Java won't exceed this amount.
As a rule of thumb, allow your system/container about 1-2GB (possibly more) overhead outside of the server.
If you're on Linux & can SSH into the system, check your kernel logs. They will report any incidents of OOM.
I want to use swap to allocate more memory.
Don't. Swap is not free memory and using it can negatively impact performance.
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