Command to give item with custom name and custom model data
I am trying to give a piece of paper with custom model data as well as adding a custom name to it.
/give duhneeno minecraft:paper 1 {CustomModelData:124}
This works to give the item with the custom model data, but I am having trouble getting a custom name with it as well
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Requested by duhneeno#0
Minecraft, Give Command Generator
The Minecraft give code generator is a simple to use command maker, with enchantments, color name text, lore and advanced attributes.

u didnt copy the entire thing
or its too long for the normal chat
I copied directly from website, just tried sending it from console as well. no luck
can u screenshot the website thing

Also this for the custom model data

can u give me that command here
/give duhneeno paper{CustomModelData:124,display:{Name:'[{"text":"Elliptic Key","italic":false,"color":"green"}]',Lore:['[{"text":"Use this key to open Elliptic Crates","italic":false}]']}} 1
you have essentials
do /minecraft:give

works fine for me with minecraft:give (one of my test servers with essentials)
Thank you!
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Requested by duhneeno#0