DynMap Reverse Proxy

Anyone ever reverse proxied DynMap? Root locations work fine domain.com { reverse_proxy localhost:8123 } Subdomains work fine subdomain.domain.com { reverse_proxy localhost:8123 } works fine Locations don't work and arrives at a unique 404 (domain.com { handle /map { reverse_proxy localhost:8123 } })
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kyngs2y ago
How are you reverse proxying it?
devOP2y ago
Caddy's reverse_proxy no other configs
kyngs2y ago
devOP2y ago
no redirects either
kyngs2y ago
I've always used nginx so No clue
devOP2y ago
404 Error /map not found · Issue #1140 · webbukkit/dynmap
Hi, I seem to be having a permission error on my dynmap folder named map. I am not sure what command I need to use in order to change it. ScreenShot: Sincerely, Karl Ubuntu 12.04 x64 Java Version: ...
devOP2y ago
I wonder if it's trying the files in the '/map' folder as static html that could totally be one explanation oh yeah that was totally the explanation for anyone trying to do this in the future (also works in apache and nginx but go modify the code accordingly) (in caddy)
domain.com {

redir /map /map/

handle_path /map/* {
reverse_proxy * localhost:8123

domain.com {

redir /map /map/

handle_path /map/* {
reverse_proxy * localhost:8123


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