Admincraftβ€’2mo ago
lars v

Plugin for scoreboard in the sidebar

Hello, does anyone know of a plugin I can use to track and display various statistics combined into one (stone + deepslate + tuff + basalt + calcite + diorite mined) as a scoreboard in the sidebar?
i believe putting something like this in a function ``` scoreboard players set @s total 0 scoreboard players operation @s total += @s obj1 scoreboard players operation @s total += @s obj2...
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10 Replies
You can use a Combination of PlaceholderAPI and a Scoreboard Plugin of your Choice (personally I use TAB)
lars v
lars vOPβ€’2mo ago
Okay, but how can I ensure that the different types of blocks are added together, and then create a leaderboard from that total?
aj leaderboards might be able to do that? im not sure tbh
lars v
lars vOPβ€’2mo ago
Ill look into it, thanks! Okay, I’ve tried a lot. AJ Leaderboards can only handle one placeholder, meaning only one block per leaderboard, but I need multiple blocks combined into one leaderboard. I tried using a math placeholder to sum the different placeholders, but that didn’t work either. I also tried using different Minecraft scoreboards and summing them through command blocks, but this only works if a player is close to the command blocks. Does anyone have an idea how I can do this?
codertommyβ€’2mo ago
if you want to use commands use a datapack instead
lars v
lars vOPβ€’2mo ago
Thanks for the suggestion, but I’m really bad at creating datapacks. I currently have six scoreboards tracking the mined blocks I want, and I’m trying to sum them into a seventh scoreboard. I did this by resetting the 7th scoreboard and then summing up the six scoreboards into it repeatedly. I’m not sure if this is the ideal method, but I hoped it would work. However, I found out that using @a causes everyone’s score from one of the six scoreboards to be summed into everyone’s score in the 7th scoreboard. When I tried a different method, it only worked for one person.
codertommyβ€’2mo ago
i believe putting something like this in a function
scoreboard players set @s total 0
scoreboard players operation @s total += @s obj1
scoreboard players operation @s total += @s obj2
scoreboard players set @s total 0
scoreboard players operation @s total += @s obj1
scoreboard players operation @s total += @s obj2
and then doing execute as @a run function myFunction every so often should work
codertommyβ€’2mo ago
you could also just put the execute stuff before every scoreboard operation if you want it in a single file ig
lars v
lars vOPβ€’2mo ago
Okay, thank you! Ill try this. It works, thanks!
codertommyβ€’2mo ago

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