Can I host a server if I have CGNAT ?

While trying to create a server I saw I have a WAN IP different from the public IP I get from 'whatismyip' websites. I have no idea how to deal with the double IP thingy, have you ever done this before ?
32 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Metaβ€’7mo ago
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Requested by unecomplette#0
Kre0lidgeβ€’7mo ago
Carl-botβ€’7mo ago
We may have bad news for you :C
Open your router's configuration interface. Somewhere you'll see something like 'external' or 'public' IP. If your external IP is in one of the following ranges, you're basically screwed as long as portforwards go: - - - - - any IPv6 address/range - This shouldn't be a problem, but Minecraft's IPv6 support is still rather quirky. You're at your own but we're happy if you share your experience. You should ask your ISP for a public and IPv4 address (but this may cost you money). NB: your internal IP should and most probably will be in one of the first three ranges, don't mix them up
Admincraft Canned Responses
Kre0lidgeβ€’7mo ago
You can ask your ISP for it essentially.
unecompletteOPβ€’7mo ago
scrap, I'll call them then I'm not sure if I understand this well, my WAN IP goes like 10.numbers.numbers.numbers, does it mean it is in the range ?
10.x is a lan range So yeah, if you have that on your wan, you are in trouble
unecompletteOPβ€’7mo ago
hahahaha okay then i'm screwed, thanks guys i'll call my isp
Pweppapig2β€’7mo ago
You could still use ipv6 addresses Or buy a small server for a couple of bucks and route everything through that using wireguard
Pweppapig2β€’7mo ago
Selfhosted Pro
Using Wireguard and a VPS to Bypass ISP Port Blocking and Hide Your...
Welcome to Selfhosted Pro! In this video I'm going to be going over a way to use Wireguard to get around ISPs blocking your ports. Another benefit is this is a great way to hide your public IP without relying on Cloudflare. All links to download and a full write-up are available on my moderator’s blog:
unecompletteOPβ€’7mo ago
I pay a pretty expensive internet service for my work, I'm gonna complain and see what I get lol, I'll try those after this haha Thanks πŸ™‚
ngrok/ can also be an option
Pweppapig2β€’7mo ago
Free plans have a very limited number of ports and bandwidth though, instead of getting a paid plan he can just get a VPS for a few bucks πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
unecompletteOPβ€’7mo ago
I'll get my eyes on this too, thanks for the tip πŸ™‚
OnedEyePeteβ€’7mo ago
putting some cents in here as well. i used a portmapper program i found on the 7 days to die decdicated server page and UPnP port 25565 and see if that opens it
SilentBotβ€’7mo ago
If UPNP or PMP works, you should be able to manually forward the ports too.
OnedEyePeteβ€’7mo ago
not with spectrum. UPNP was the only way even though port checkers show ports are closed. my brother just tested my velocity server and it works
SilentBotβ€’7mo ago
All UPNP does is programmatically add a port forwarding rule, so doing it manually should be no different. Interesting if Spectrum does stuff differently.
OnedEyePeteβ€’7mo ago
yeah its weird. i got a netgear router and i had an ISP called GoNetSpeed by Otelco and they made it stupid hard for ports, had to use playit -.-
Eternalβ€’7mo ago
Minekube Connect
The Ingress Tunnel for Minecraft Servers
Eternalβ€’7mo ago
also you'll need a connector, otherwise just scream at your ISP until they give you an IP wireguard is also possible but it'd be a bit too complicated for the average user
Few bucks on like a 1c 1g budget VPS? I have one, that’s like $5 per month Can’t run shit except for my own vpn node And maybe a cdn node
Pweppapig2β€’7mo ago
Enough to run a wireguard tunnel. Only needs to have a good bandwidth, also for like 2$ he can get a 6gb ram server with 1 xeon thread and 1tb of bandwidth which is good enough for most use cases
wtf Which VPS provider Mine is only 1c 1g and it’s $5 per month
unecompletteOPβ€’7mo ago
yes i'm curious about this too lol also do you know what the /20, /16 or /10 refers to in the IPs the bot gives as exemples ?
unecompletteOPβ€’7mo ago
No description
unecompletteOPβ€’7mo ago
i mean to me those could be ports but the exemple is supposed to potential router's IPs. To me an IP doesn't imply a port ? am I wrong ?
Discount Milk
Discount Milkβ€’7mo ago
They're called subnet masks. That is CIDR notation
Pweppapig2β€’7mo ago
Datalix Ah sorry its 2.5$ not 2 but yeah
/xx = CIDR notation :xxxxx = specific port
Eternalβ€’7mo ago
datalix :pepeheart:
My old VPS provider used weird ass os apt-get and apt install would just not be recognized by bash sometimes, and then it would magically restore itself β€œUbuntu server” they say

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