Admincraftβ€’7mo ago

Two Servers on the Same IP

Hello, I must make it clear at first that I know next to nothing about networking and the like, but I've gotten half-way there off Youtube and forums, but I've finally gotten stuck. I'm trying to setup two Minecraft Servers on my desktop, both on the same IP, but on the first one, I kept server-port and query-port to 25565 and on the second one I set server-port and query-port to 25566. In the Advanced DNS for my custom domain, I have the following A Record: - A Record | play | [insert IP] - A Record | build | [insert IP] And for SRV Record: - SRV Record | _minecraft | _tcp.build | 0 | 10 | 25566 | build.[domain] - SRV Record | _minecraft | _tcp.play | 0 | 10 | 25565 | play.[domain] I've tried to swap stuff around, change around the priority and weights to prioritize 25566, but it will always just default to 25565. Although, it seems to actually only link to the IP, as no matter which domain (with subdomain) I input into the server address in Minecraft, if I put :25566 it goes to the right server. At this point, I have zero idea what I'm doing and I'd be very grateful if someone knows a fix.
21 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Metaβ€’7mo ago
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screenshot your dns records are you... using a subdomain for a records?
ProGamingDkβ€’7mo ago
Could you provide domain name so we can check if the records are properly setup
qmOPβ€’7mo ago
erm, this is hosted off my home desktop, on my home network, if i give domain i give my ip address, πŸ€”
qmOPβ€’7mo ago
i uh, blocked out anything sensitive, idk if that shows enough
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qmOPβ€’7mo ago
most of the big ones are stuff for websites and such, but the main ones are the two A Records with "IP" next to it and the two SRV records, the stupid UI of the site doesnt show everything in each of the parts of the value for the SRV
ProGamingDkβ€’7mo ago
If you look up the domains on mcsrvstat.us does it show correctly?
qmOPβ€’7mo ago
hmm it actually does- it pulls the right MOTD and player count (cause the one on 25565 is 0/30 instead of default 0/20) could it be a messed up query port?i had changed that to 25566 as well, it says under debug info "No - Failed to read from socket."
ProGamingDkβ€’7mo ago
Nope Query is for extra info
qmOPβ€’7mo ago
ah okay
ProGamingDkβ€’7mo ago
Mcsrvstat uses just normal mc server list ping Could you try using as your dns?
qmOPβ€’7mo ago
for which part?
ProGamingDkβ€’7mo ago
Your pc
qmOPβ€’7mo ago
im confused, do you mean inputting in the server address in MC, or in the DNS Settings for my domain?
ProGamingDkβ€’7mo ago is cloudflares dns servers, usually faster to update etc over your isp Neither Change dns settings on your pc To use
qmOPβ€’7mo ago
oh uh okay.. let me find out how to do that
ProGamingDkβ€’7mo ago
Could use cloudflare warps app Would be a single click To turn on and off
qmOPβ€’7mo ago
i think i found it
qmOPβ€’7mo ago
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qmOPβ€’7mo ago
uhm, so... i just restarted my game on my laptop (connected to a VPN to simulate an off-site computer) and... the domain worked fine. i think the instance i had open just cached what it originally gave and called it a day
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Metaβ€’7mo ago
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