Need help with server, my friends lag but I don't

Can anyone help me with this,, that does so that my friends lag but I dont on my self hosted server.
50 Replies
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ProGamingDk2y ago
Carl-bot2y ago
Please check your server log for errors from your plugins.
If you need further help understanding the errors, please send us the whole log file. Where can I find the server log? Logs are stored in <server_directory>/logs/. Search for a file explorer in your server's management interface and navigate to that directory. Once you've opened that up, search for the latest.log file. Some providers have a separate page for logs and may hide the "logs" folder. On Aternos: • Go to On Minehut and • Go to the "files" tab in the left menu. • Navigate to the root directory of your server. • From there navigate to /logs/latest.log. What should I do with the log? • First of all, read it! I mean, that's what you do all the time when you run a server, isn't it? Try to locate any errors that have anything to do with the issue you are facing. • If you got the latest.log file or created a .txt file with the necessary errors you can upload these directly to the channel, but we prefer if you upload them to • If you have trouble downloading the log file, copy/paste the text to a paste service (like mclogs). Copy the link that it gives you and send it to us. (Don't worry, McLogs hides your users' IPs.)
Admincraft Canned Responses
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
reeks of offline-mode to me
QarthO2y ago
Mclogs the entire log pls spark report too !spark
Carl-bot2y ago
Spark Profiler
Spark can be used to see why your server or client is lagging.
From An unknown user
Admincraft Canned Responses
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
[14:38:22] [User Authenticator #1/INFO]: UUID of player SKARIBEN_JR is 398417cb-f608-4b27-97f6-60dee861de15
[14:38:22] [User Authenticator #1/INFO]: UUID of player SKARIBEN_JR is 398417cb-f608-4b27-97f6-60dee861de15
not at least in this case
Nyxiality2y ago
Are they in the same city/country as you?
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
the error is Spark's live profiler socket not connecting, I think. Would need full logs to verify.
Nyxiality2y ago
No idea what that is haha, I'll stay out of this one lol
CtrlAltDelMe2y ago
Where are your friends? In your city or very far away?
ProGamingDk2y ago
Lmao senor
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
I didn't look at the title just the error :OMEGALUL: OP has poop internet
RasseOP2y ago
It's good internet, its on the same network as the working pc. I think it has to be something with java or setting in linux And my friends have the same network, connected through fiber under 10 km away from me
Lunaiskey2y ago
the main thing is the upload speed thats whats usually the bottleneck and most home broadband have dogshit upload speeds
Nyxiality2y ago
Very true Unless it's reversible
Nyxiality2y ago
@Rasse Could you go to and click go?
Speedtest by Ookla - The Global Broadband Speed Test
Use Speedtest on all your devices with our free desktop and mobile apps.
Nyxiality2y ago
Then send a screenshot
RasseOP2y ago
@Nyxiality here you go
No description
Nyxiality2y ago
Yep. Defs not your intestines theb FML Internet
RasseOP2y ago
Yeah Im gonna try to run it on a 9400f instead of the g4560 Cause it works on this pc which has the same network it has a r5 2600
Nyxiality2y ago
You were running it on a G4560...?
RasseOP2y ago
yeah... u think thats the problem i might be stupid but i wanted to use my old g4560, which i found in my cabinet a month ago
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
That is just a bandwidth test, doesn't actually test any form of network health
Nyxiality2y ago
Yeah that's definitely the issue No? It tests speed
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
What do you think speed means
Nyxiality2y ago
You're confusing me
RasseOP2y ago
I have good internet, it is by a trusted local isp through fiber
Nyxiality2y ago
Bandwidth is not speed
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Bandwidth is how fast the internet is. Speedtest doesn't inherently test for things like packet loss
RasseOP2y ago
the server runs on my pc but not on my server (both use the same network) but one has a r5 2600 and the other one a g4560
Nyxiality2y ago
Run it on the 2600 if possible
RasseOP2y ago
it works on windows at least
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Bandwidth is, by definition, how fast your internet can transfer data.
RasseOP2y ago
but i wonder if the problem could be on debian 12 distro cause shouldnt a mc server run on a g4560?
Nyxiality2y ago
Err, no it's the amount of channels it van use
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Doesn't mean you can't have packet loss. If all of your friends are lagging and you're not, and you're playing on LAN, it's a problem with your internet or distance to friends.
Nyxiality2y ago
No description
RasseOP2y ago
they arent lagging when i run the server on my pc which use same network its only when i run through my home server
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Network Bandwidth: What Is Bandwidth in Networking? - IT Glossary |...
Find out what network bandwidth is and how to optimize and increase your network capacity.
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Oh that isn't what your original post said
RasseOP2y ago
oh sorry
Nyxiality2y ago
... I'm gonna investigate further. I'm not sure that's correct Not once have I heard this
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Being as I went to college for networking... :FrogeBIGEYES:
RasseOP2y ago
i can talk also if possible and show the setup through ssh
Nyxiality2y ago
My mistake, you're correct. I conceed Ig that's why I'm a sysadmin and not a netadmib
RasseOP2y ago
could any of you, cause you seem experienced help me one-on-one?
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Okay so you've come to the conclusion that the hardware you're using isn't strong enough, if you host it on better hardware you shouldn't have a problem Right? What else more is there to help with
RasseOP2y ago
I dont know for sure that's the problem, but ill try that first. !close
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