Player Teleports to Citizen NPC's Head After Click With Hand

Hello, I've been using Citizens since the start of my server, but players have stated that when they click on the Citizen NPC's with their hand, they get teleported to the top of the NPC's head, can someone please help me in what I should change for the citizen NPC's config? I'll attach the config for the NPC below as well as the video of what is happening. NPC:
Unknown Log [#qXErtan]
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9 Replies
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Requested by kaludi#0
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
You probably have either a purpur setting or plugin letting you "sit" or "ride" things.
ProGamingDk2y ago
do u perhaps have gsit
KaludiOP2y ago
@ProGamingDK Yeah it was gsit, I tried to remove the spawn world from being able to use the command but players can still use it on reload, is this written correctly?
# Defines the worlds in which a player cannot sit, pose, crawl or emote
WorldBlacklist: [spawn]
MaterialWhitelist: []
# Defines the worlds in which a player cannot sit, pose, crawl or emote
WorldBlacklist: [spawn]
MaterialWhitelist: []
Lunaiskey2y ago
put spawn in quotes
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
You can deny permission to it in the world, using lp contexts
Lunaiskey2y ago
WorldBlacklist: ["spawn"] or
- "spawn"
- "spawn"
KaludiOP2y ago
that worked, thanks a lot! !solved
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