Would a Bare Metal Ryzen 5 5600X be better than a Dedicated Ryzen 9 5900X from Bisect?
Had a previous post and people said to check out Bloomhost for bare metal, It seems like my node on bisect is running with a Ryzen 9 5900X with 12GB Ram, so here's my question, would a Bare Metal Ryzen 5 5600X with 64GB ram and 8TB storage be better than Bisects' Ryzen 9 5900X node?
I'm currently trying to run RLCraft Dregora for an average of 10-20 Players per day at all times. I wanna improve the server significantly to where there is almost no lag unless we get 20-25 players or more. How can I do so, and what equipment should I buy from what host?
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Requested by remadefuture#0
you are getting a "Worse" cpu but cheaper pricing (ish)
im surprised bisect even has a 9 5900X you mustve gotten luck with them
It's running on a Ryzen 9 5900X node.
Not fully dedicated, does that really matter?
its shared so you will be getting more performance vs nothing
that dedicated will be all yours 100% vs shared with other people
So what should I go with?
that's soo lucky xD
They have other plans too, my budget is trying to keep it below $150 ish if possible.

that's overkill xD
just got with blooms minecraft plans
what you want is a faster single thread cpu easy. no need for a dedi (such as a 7000 or 9900 series)
they let you split servers
so if you get 36gb you can split it to different amounts vs non split

this is what they have
they ARE upgrading to 9900x's/9950x's
Bare metal is overkill?
So should I wait?
What would be the best move for me then? My community is relatively small, but growing at a rapid rate.
yes 100%
a 9950x- 9900x is the best that you can get currently.
where do I get that ðŸ˜
as far as hosters go

google "minecraft server hosting ryzen 9 9900x"
Im gonna need more storage then 256GB
not a problem
At least 1TB 😠My world alone is 172GB
how big is the server on bh?
i doubt the server is 1tb if the world is 172GB

yea nah you are fine, you have just 142gb
also storage doesn't go that high later on game, as chunks are already generated :Yes:

Seems like.. they can't gimme more threads
i doubt they have a 9950x or close
Lol they do not
So, will this new server with craftlands be worth?
I need it for like 20-25peeps
there isn't anything better then the 9900x you will be fine
Does it come with a panel?
or is it linux?
nah panel
owh ok
Ok, ill try it out, thanks Dadone :)
:yes: to transfer use the importer, it's a section on the panel, it will download everything from the current server
u got a discount code for me? xD
10OFF for the first month should work
Think I should get the premium or ultimate?
Is 6 threads enough for 20-25 players?
oh mb i thought something else, both are going to be enough
What does that do
10% off first month
I'm so confused as to what happened
Mind if I DM you @MrDadone
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Requested by remadefuture#0